I am so happy with Varsity Tutors. I had the most amazing tutor for science. She really made it engaging and fun. Her knowledge and confidence gave me so much trust. After every session I felt like I knew so much more.
— Jessica - Vancouver, BC

The tutors at Varsity Tutors are warm, welcoming and accommodating. They are in constant communication with the student and work well at the student's pace and parameters. All around Varsity Tutors are awesome!
— Edna - Brampton, ON

My tutor really makes me feel confident for every new topic and test I have in school. It’s the perfect fit and pace.
— Tom - Oakville, ON

Here's what students and parents are saying:
If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the tutor you were connected with through the platform after your initial session, please call us to help understand why you are not satisfied and we will help connect you with a tutor who might be a better fit.