Pursuing Justice by Hayden

Hayden's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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Pursuing Justice by Hayden - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

What motivates me to pursue my academic goals is the chance to make a difference in another person’s life. I want to be a lawyer, and to do that I must work hard in my undergraduate degree so that I can be accepted into a good law program. Law schools are very competitive so I need to have and keep goals of making good grades and working in the community. I have designed my schedule to have plenty of time to study and rest. I have also been accepted into the Honors Academy at my school which is a program for civic leadership and public policy. I will be surrounding myself with other students who have similar goals. There are also many opportunities to get involved in the community through that program.
I was inspired to be a lawyer when I heard a story about a case that I thought was very unfair. I heard about a case where the lady was blamed for something that she very clearly did not do. She was charged guilty because of the political aspects that were going on during that time. Because of all the political issues going on there was no way a judge was going to say she was innocent without getting hate from the people. This lady went to jail for the rest of her life because of the disagreements of this world and in this government. She was completely innocent, but because the matter got political, her well-being was completely thrown out the window and now her life is completely ruined. I heard about this case and felt so bad for this lady and was outraged that something like this could happen. I felt that it was completely unfair and not right that this lady was going to jail for something she didn’t do. As a lawyer I want to be able to stand up and say what's true and what's right. I will never let politics or others' views get in the way of a decision that could affect somebody's life if they don’t deserve it. I want to become a lawyer so that I can make sure a situation like this never happens again. As a lawyer I want to make sure every decision is fair and just. I know not every decision will be equal because that’s not how decisions should be made but a decision should always be just. Growing up my parents fostered and adopted kids, and I was able to see how court can affect someone's life. Knowing that I could potentially alter someone’s entire life is a big deal. I want to be the best lawyer for anyone that I help.
