What motivates you to pursue your academic goals and how do you stay focused? by Marquise

Marquise's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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What motivates you to pursue your academic goals and how do you stay focused? by Marquise - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

My name is Marquise Thomas-Gray, I am the third child that my parents have. Here is a little bit of my story to show that when you stay ready you don't have to get ready. What motivates me to pursue my academic goals is I was told I couldn't graduate in the top 10% of my class because I have an IEP. My mom told the school that she didn't want me to be in the special education classes because I have an IEP. My mom didn't want anyone to look at me differently because of my disability. When I was about two weeks old I was hospitalized because I lost oxygen to my brain because of RSV. The doctors told my parents that I would be delayed in some areas learning and they should look for extra help for me.

I was told by some of my peers that because I have an IEP that I was stupid but good at sports because it doesn't take a genius to play sports. So the only thing I would be is a stupid jock. My mom always drilled in me that I am just as smart as my siblings and classmates and maybe even smarter. My mom said that because I have an IEP it only means that I think creatively that makes me unstoppable.

It is hard to stay focus because there are so many distractions out there. My parents make sure that we have structure, there is a time to do our chorus, school work and sports. If our grades are not at a 3.5 or higher we were not allowed to play sports. My parents wanted to make sure that we understood that we are student athletes and not the other way around. I stay focus because I want the best I can bring out of myself. At times it is hard to stay focus and put my school work to the bottom of my to do list. But I find it is easier to stay at the top of a hole instead of climbing up from the bottom. I stay focus so I can better myself.
