Love conquers all by Nigel

Nigel's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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Love conquers all by Nigel - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

We were all bathed in a warm, golden glow smiling down at the computer screen in hope. Then darkness.

Just as we reach a critical point in our assignment, there is a sudden power outage. The room plunges into darkness, broken only by the soft blue light of screens glowing around us. Murmurs ripple through the class as we exchange uncertain glances; our progress momentarily halted, in that instant of uncertainty, I feel a surge of determination welling up within me. Drawing on my knowledge and instincts honed through countless hours of study and practice, I take charge. With quick thinking and resourcefulness born from my passion for problem-solving, I rally my classmates together to brainstorm solutions using pen and paper – taking us back to basics in an age dominated by technology. As we work collaboratively under dim emergency lighting to tackle the challenge before us without missing a beat despite the setback - hastily sketching out algorithms with pencils scratching against paper - it becomes clear that our shared goal unites us like never before. Together, we navigate through obstacles with renewed focus and creativity until finally...the power flickers back on!

The room erupts into cheers mixed with relieved laughter as screens spring back to life around us; illuminated once more but now infused with an added sense of self-confidence in everyone. As the lights flicker back on in our Computer Science class at Cornell University, I am reminded of what motivates me to pursue my academic goals with unwavering determination. The electrifying energy pulsing through the room as we triumph over adversity together serves as a powerful reminder of why I chose this path – a path where challenges are not obstacles but opportunities for growth and innovation. In moments like these, surrounded by peers who share my passion and professors who inspire me to push boundaries, I find myself fueled by a deep-seated desire to excel. It is the thrill of unraveling complex problems, the joy of creating something new from lines of code, that propels me forward even when faced with setbacks or doubts along the way.

To stay focused amidst the whirlwind of classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities that make up my college experience at Cornell, I ground myself in routine and discipline. Each morning begins with a brisk walk across campus – feeling crisp autumn leaves crunch beneath my feet or winter snowflakes kiss my cheeks – before settling into study sessions filled with coffee-fueled determination and endless possibilities waiting to be explored. Surrounding myself with supportive friends who understand both the struggles and successes inherent in pursuing an engineering degree helps keep me accountable and motivated. In moments of doubt or fatigue, I find solace in seeking guidance and inspiration from mentors who have walked this path before me. Their wisdom and encouragement serve as beacons of light guiding me through the darkest hours of self-doubt, reminding me that every hurdle is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger.

What motivates me to pursue my academic goals as a Computer Science major at Cornell University is love. A love for problem solving which ignites a flame within me to work no matter the circumstances even if it means handwriting algorithms in the lab. Love does not only set my passion ablaze, the love of my friends and mentors allows me to remain sobered. This sober feeling is not one of sadness but of focus as I feel connected to a community of people looking to improve the world one day at a time. With love for what you do and the people around you there is no problem we can not solve.
