Motivation and Focus in Academics by Reagan

Reagan's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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Motivation and Focus in Academics by Reagan - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

Reagan Henkelvig
Varsity Tutor Scholarship
April 10, 2024
Motivations and Focus in Academics
I am very motivated to reach my goals when it comes to academics, even starting these habits in elementary school. I always did my best to get the best grades I could. There are many reasons why I haven’t let my motivation and focus waver. For example, my parents, my future, and my extracurricular activities have continually inspired me to push myself above and beyond in my academics. These all factor into why I continue to push myself to exceed my standards, not only for my grades but for myself.
From a young age, I formed an understanding that the road to success was never meant to be an easy one. My parents’ achievements in their careers have led them to create high expectations of me. Which I now have an appreciation for since it has helped me to meet my goals, academically and otherwise. At the time, I didn’t understand all their expectations, but I now know they only wanted the best for me. While their expectations seemed harsh at times, they have helped me to accomplish my goals and continue striving for greatness.
Academics have proven to not only be a priority in an educational setting but also extracurricular activities. They both have taught me very valuable lessons and I would not be able to participate in my extracurricular activities if I didn’t do well in my academics. Both school and extracurriculars have taught me to trust myself. Trust is very important in both of these settings in either trusting your group or your teammates. But you also have to trust yourself. You must trust yourself to know that you’ll make the right decision or get a question right, and not disappoint people. Extracurriculars and academics have both taught me how to do this, and I can’t have extracurriculars without doing well on the academic side. This is one reason why I have such motivation in my academics.
My future is one thing that is extremely important to me. I want to be successful and happy in life. And while you don’t have to go to college to be successful, it is the path I am planning to take. I know good grades are an important part of getting into college, and that is why I can stay focused on my schoolwork. While it can seem taxing and useless at times, I remind myself that I am doing it to accomplish my goals. Practicing this focus and motivation now can also help me show it in the future. Instead of having to learn a whole new skill for a future job, I can just continue to do what I have been doing my whole life.
Overall academics are very important to me. They help me meet my goals and learn important lessons and characteristics. My goals and motivations are what help me in my schoolwork, and I know my future self be thanking me one day for all the focus and dedication I show now.
