Changing Lives One Degree at a Time by Regina

Regina's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2024 scholarship contest

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Changing Lives One Degree at a Time by Regina - April 2024 Scholarship Essay

“Without education, you’re not going anywhere in this world.” – Malcolm X
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for
it today.” – Maya Angelou

In my youth, I overlooked these quotes, understanding their wisdom but failing to
apply it. Despite being an A/B student in high school, my focus waned in college, as I
was consumed with preparing for my wedding at a young age. Love took precedence at
that time, leading me to prioritize traveling with the military over academics for the next
decade. I was in love! However, now two decades later, I found a renewed

Today, I proudly identify as a devoted mother to a ten-year-old boy, juggling the
responsibilities of parenthood with my pursuit of higher education, Bachelor’s degree in
Business Administration and dual Paralegal Studies. Rather than feeling ashamed of
returning to college later in life, I see it as a valuable lesson for myself and my son – a
demonstration that it’s never too late to chase one’s dreams.

My lifelong ambition has been to not only complete college but to do so with
distinction, striving for the highest GPA and aiming to graduate with honors. While
these accolades may hold varying significance for others, they carry great personal
importance for me. Ultimately my goal is to leverage my education to enhance both my
and my son’s lives, securing a better-paying job and fulfilling all the aspirations I’ve set
for myself.

By elevating myself through education, I am to become a stellar pillar in my
church, community, and society. Currently, I am engaged in various community
activities and Order of the Eastern Star chapter obligations. I also find time to pursue
my passion for bowling while engaging in community service during tournament travels.
Empowering the elderly, children, and young women fuels my enthusiasm, particularly
in sharing life lessons and strategies for overcoming obstacles drawn from my own

In essence, I am a resilient individual relentlessly pursuing my dreams and
aspirations, serving as a living example to my son and others that perseverance knows
no bounds.
