What is it Like to Attend the Georgia Institute of Technology?

Puja specializes in math tutoring and science tutoring. She graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering. Interested in attending Georgia Tech? Check out her college experience interview below.

Describe the campus setting and transportation options.

Puja: The Georgia Tech campus is in the heart of Atlanta. With so many things to do every day, there is always convenient transportation options. Georgia Tech has its own transportation system called Stingers and Trolleys. Stingers are air conditioned buses that encompass the college perimeter, stopping at designated stops. Trolleys do that and more; they also go up to the Midtown Marta station which is very convenient for those those who travel, are out of state/country, or commute from home. The campus is very safe. There are these pillars that emit blue light strategically placed around the campus. One press of a button notifies the GT police to come.

How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants?

Puja: The answer to this really depends on what kind of professor you end up getting. I was very lucky to have had professors, teaching assistants, and advisers that were almost available to me 24/7. I became good friends with some of them and am connected to them on social media.

How would you describe the dorm life—rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students?

Puja: Dorm life is either for you or it’s not. Your freshman year, everyone is in the same boat as you. You make many new friends, and this makes the transition easier. Freshman year at GT is basically 2 people per room, bunk bed style; this is called the freshman experience program. Obviously you can opt out, but it really is memorable. Dining options vary. There are your traditional dining halls, fast food places in the student center, and some markets that offer basically what you’d find in a convenience store. There are plenty of opportunities to socialize, despite its reputation of being studious.

Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?

Puja: Georgia Tech is known for its engineering programs. They have plenty of other programs that are just as good, but typically it’s engineering. I majored in biomedical engineering because I knew I wanted to help people, but I didn’t think that I could stand the sight of blood. The school definitely helped me reach my true potential.

How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life?

Puja: It was pretty easy to make friends freshman year because we were all in it together. Greek life does play a role, but not everyone participates in it. Heavy recruitment happens in the beginning of the academic year. Most of my friends who’ve joined typically join because they are legacies (their parents or grandparents were part of a particular organization) or they just wanted to try something new. I didn’t participate in Greek life, although when I look back and think about it, it would have been nice to rush. I could have made more connections that way! I was on a dance team, which in its own way felt like Greek life since the concept of big/little existed.

How helpful is the Career Center and other student support services?

Puja: Other than my academic adviser, I didn’t use the Career Center much except for when I co-oped 2012-2014. During that time, I had once-a-semester meetings with my co-op adviser. The Career Center did engage students by ensuring there were plenty of opportunities to interact with company recruiters via online and on-campus career fairs, as well as interview tips, mock interviews, etc.

How are the various study areas such as libraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious?

Puja: You can always find study areas!!!! The university is constantly building more and creating newer places for students to thrive in. Each dorm building had designated study spaces; these were typically first-come first-serve. The other public areas were usually spaces that students could reserve two days in advance. They were definitely easily available except for when you decide to book a room last minute.

Describe the surrounding town.

Puja: I don’t think there are enough words for Atlanta. It’s a growing city with so much to offer. Just recently, a Georgia Tech’s student created the Beltline. It originally started off as a senior design/capstone project, but it became a reality. The Fox Theater is near by along with your usual tourist attractions—the CNN center, World of Coke, GA Aquarium, Piedmont park, Six Flags over Georgia, and so much more! There is literally something to do for every kind of person. The closest place that I enjoyed going to was Atlantic Station because it was within walking distance.

How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes?

Puja: The student body is pretty big. The class size depended on what type of class you were in. Core classes, which consisted of classes you took freshman and maybe sophomore year such as Calculus and Physics, sometimes had about 100 students or more which then split up into smaller groups that typically consisted of 30 students or less. Major-specific classes usually did not have more than 25.

Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you regret the most.

Puja: My most memorable experience was Problems Engineering II. I took this class during the summer before my sophomore year. This class taught me lessons that I still look back on. Some of the assignments were a bit silly (how to draw straight lines, to name one), but this was the first class where I felt like I was being an engineer. I was solving a problem. I had my first experience with SolidWorks in this course and absolutely loved it!

Check out Puja’s tutoring profile.

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