High School Physics Practice Tests

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Free High School Physics Diagnostic Tests

Take the Varsity Learning Tools free diagnostic test for High School Physics to determine which academic concepts you understand and which ones require your ongoing attention. Each High School Physics problem is tagged down to the core, underlying concept that is being tested. The High School Physics diagnostic test results highlight how you performed on each area of the test. You can then utilize the results to create a personalized study plan that is based on your particular area of need.

High School Physics Diagnostic Test 1

Questions: 60
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 hrs 13 mins

High School Physics Diagnostic Test 2

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 hrs 8 mins

High School Physics Diagnostic Test 3

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 d 10 hrs

High School Physics Diagnostic Test 4

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 hrs 43 mins

High School Physics Diagnostic Test 5

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 13 hrs 42 mins

High School Physics Diagnostic Test 6

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 19 mins

Common high school curricula require courses in biological science and physical science. The biology requirement is most commonly fulfilled with a course in High School Biology or High School Earth and Space Science, while the physical science requirement is usually fulfilled with High School Chemistry or High School Physics.

High School Physics can be taught in two ways: either as a stand-alone course, or as a precursor to AP Physics B. In schools that offer the AP course, the High School Physics curriculum can be more focused, targeted at introducing material that will be expanded upon later. In schools where the AP course is not offered, High School Physics may be the only exposure students have to physics before they enter college or other post-graduation pursuits. Physics courses such as these may encompass a wider range of material in order to build familiarity with as many concepts as possible.

In general, the first concept taught in any high school physics class will be Newtonian mechanics. After a brief introduction to the world of physics including information about standard (SI) units, vectors, and scientific notation, students can expect an in-depth presentation of Newton’s three laws of motion and the various ways in which they may be applied to real-world scenarios. Newtonian mechanics and relationships compose the majority of course content in high school physics courses.

After an introduction to Newton’s laws of motion, students will be taught the kinematics equations. These equations are used to apply Newtonian mechanics to objects in linear motion. This part of the course will heavily focus on concepts of displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force. Students will be tested on horizontal linear motion, vertical motion, free fall motion, projectile motion, and force diagrams.

Following the introduction to mechanics, most courses will teach the concepts of energy, work, and power. Students will become familiar with conservation of energy, kinetic and potential energies, work equations, and the definition of power. Test questions will frequently combine these new concepts with concepts of linear motion, creating multi-step problems that require several calculations to complete and combine familiar material with new concepts.

Work, energy, and power generally conclude the majority of high school physics coursework. From this point, course content becomes somewhat variable. Some common topics of focus are electric circuits, electromagnetism, optics, or quantum theory. Only the final units of the high school physics course will focus on these subjects; the vast majority of content will remain grounded in mechanics.

Courses in physical sciences, such as physics and chemistry, often require some mastery of mathematics in order to manipulate variables and equations. Before taking a course in high school physics, you must be confident in your mathematics ability in algebra. Solving for a missing variable is almost always necessary on high school physics exams.

There is truly only one way to become more proficient in solving problems in physics: practice. Becoming familiar with the steps to solve different equations and apply mechanical principles is absolutely necessary for success. You can start to become familiar with High School Physics content by taking Varsity Tutors’ free High School Physics Practice Test. Each Practice Test consists of ten to twelve High School Physics problems that you can use to hone your skills. Each High School Physics problem includes an explanation of the correct answer, so when you miss a problem, you can find out where you went wrong. By paying particular attention to problems that you miss, you can efficiently improve your High School Physics knowledge!


Free High School Physics Practice Tests

Our completely free High School Physics practice tests are the perfect way to brush up your skills. Take one of our many High School Physics practice tests for a run-through of commonly asked questions. You will receive incredibly detailed scoring results at the end of your High School Physics practice test to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Pick one of our High School Physics practice tests now and begin!

Practice Tests by Concept

Electricity and magnetism practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Electric circuits practice test

Questions: 33
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Capacitors practice test

Questions: 8
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 27 secs

Calculating total capacitance practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 50 secs

Understanding capacitance practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 8 secs

Using capacitor equations practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 34 secs

Circuit calculations and concepts practice test

Questions: 13
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 44 secs

Calculating circuit power practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 17 mins

Kirchoff's laws practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 d 18 hrs

Understanding current in a circuit practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 16 secs

Electricity practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 41 secs

Understanding series and parallel practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Understanding voltage in a circuit practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 22 secs

Using ohm's law practice test

Questions: 11
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Resistors practice test

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Calculating total resistance practice test

Questions: 11
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Resistivity practice test

Questions: 8
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Understanding resistance practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 secs

Electricity practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 42 secs

Electric charge practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 18 secs

Electric force practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 58 secs

Understanding electric fields practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 35 secs

Magnetism and electromagnetism practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 8 mins

Understanding magnetic fields practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 59 secs

Understanding the relationship with current practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 44 secs

Understanding the right hand rules practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 24 secs

Energy and work practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 mins

Energy practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 15 mins

Calculating kinetic energy practice test

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 20 mins

Calculating potential energy practice test

Questions: 17
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 mins

Types of mechanical energy practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 mins

Understanding conservation of energy practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 44 secs

Understanding kinetic and potential energies practice test

Questions: 10
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 8 mins

Power practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 mins

Understanding power practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Work practice test

Questions: 14
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Calculating work practice test

Questions: 8
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Understanding work practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 18 secs

Work-kinetic energy theorem practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 39 mins

Forces practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 20 mins

Introduction to forces practice test

Questions: 14
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 8 d 8 hrs

Identifying forces and systems practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Understanding force practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 48 secs

Understanding the relationship between force and acceleration practice test

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Net force practice test

Questions: 24
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Calculating force practice test

Questions: 15
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 mins

Interpreting force diagrams practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Specific forces practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 11 mins

Contact forces practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 hrs 28 mins

Gravitational field practice test

Questions: 10
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Understanding frictional force practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 33 mins

Understanding gravity and weight practice test

Questions: 14
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Understanding normal force practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 57 secs

Understanding universal gravitation practice test

Questions: 35
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 22 mins

Introductory principles practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 18 mins

Understanding accuracy and precision practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 13 secs

Understanding independent and dependent variables practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 26 secs

Understanding scalar and vector quantities practice test

Questions: 18
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 mins

Understanding si units practice test

Questions: 17
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 57 secs

Understanding significant figures practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Motion and mechanics practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 hrs 11 mins

Circular motion practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 8 mins

Circular motion practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 d 19 hrs

Rotational angular momentum practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 8 secs

Understand torque practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Understanding circular motion practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 35 secs

Understanding torque practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 30 secs

Using circular motion equations practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 30 mins

Gas laws practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 34 secs

Understanding isovolumetric processes practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 43 secs

Harmonic motion practice test

Questions: 25
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 hrs 42 mins

Energy of shm practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Period of shm practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 mins

Understanding pendulums practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 34 secs

Understanding springs practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 7 secs

Using pendulum equations practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 28 secs

Using spring equations practice test

Questions: 19
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 mins

Linear motion practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 11 mins

Freefall practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 hrs 5 mins

Kinematic equations practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 mins

Understanding distance, velocity, and acceleration practice test

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Understanding motion in one dimension practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Understanding motion in two dimensions practice test

Questions: 23
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 40 secs

Understanding motion with constant acceleration practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Using motion equations practice test

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:

Momentum practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 16 mins

Calculating momentum practice test

Questions: 34
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 23 mins

Conservation of momentum practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Elastic and inelastic collisions practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Impulse and momentum practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 hrs 30 mins

Understanding conservation of momentum practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Understanding elastic and inelastic collisions practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 45 secs

Understanding momentum practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 37 secs

Newton's laws practice test

Questions: 13
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Newton's law of universal gravitation practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Understanding newton's first law practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 56 secs

Understanding newton's second law practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 4 secs

Understanding newton's third law practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 57 secs

Representations of motion practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Representations of motion practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 mins

Thermodynamics practice test

Questions: 32
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 mins

Enthalpy and entropy practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 23 secs

Understanding enthalpy practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 21 secs

Understanding entropy practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 23 secs

Heat practice test

Questions: 21
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Understanding effects of heat on volume practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 27 secs

Understanding heat and temperature practice test

Questions: 8
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 11 secs

Understanding heat and work practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Understanding heat engines practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Understanding the concept of energy transfer practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 17 secs

Laws of thermodynamics practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Understanding the first law of thermodynamics practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 57 secs

Understanding the second law of thermodynamics practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 24 secs

Understanding the third law of thermodynamics practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Understanding the zeroth law of thermodynamics practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Waves, sound, and light practice test

Questions: 40
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 mins

Light and electromagnetic waves practice test

Questions: 11
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 16 mins

Understanding photons practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 32 secs

Understanding refraction practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Understanding the electromagnetic spectrum practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 56 secs

Sound practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 mins

Understanding doppler practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 34 secs

Waves practice test

Questions: 31
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 10 mins

Interference and superposition practice test

Questions: 9
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 53 secs

Properties of waves practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Types of waves practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 30 secs

Understanding amplitude and period practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 51 secs

Understanding calculations with velocity practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 hrs 34 mins

Understanding the concept of waves practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 29 secs

Understanding types of waves practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 42 secs

Understanding wavelength and frequency practice test

Questions: 19
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins
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