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Example Questions
Example Question #201 : General Biology
The frontalis muscle does which of the following actions?
Lifts the eyelids
Lowers the eyelids
Raises the eyebrows
Furrows the brow
Raises the eyebrows
The frontalis muscle lifts the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead. The brow is furrowed by the corrugator supercilii muscle, and the eye lids are raised by the levator palpebrae superioris and lowered by the orbicularis oculi.
Example Question #202 : General Biology
What is the insertion of the masseter?
The mandibular condyle
The submandibular fossa of the jaw
The coronoid process of the mandible
The temporal bone
The coronoid process of the mandible
The masseter is a quadrilateral muscle that originates from the zygomatic arch and maxilla and inserts into the coronoid process of the mandible. It's function is to lift the mandible, closing the jaw.
Example Question #1 : Muscle Identification
What is the function of the risorius?
Keeps food between the teeth
Depresses the lower lip
Purses the lips
Retracts the angle of the mouth (smiling)
Retracts the angle of the mouth (smiling)
The risorius is a small facial muscle that originates on the parotic fascia and inserts into the modiolus. It's primary action is to retract the corners of the mouth in smiling. The lips are pursed by the orbicularis oris. The mouth is compressed and food is kept between the teeth by the buccinator muscle. The lower lip is depressed by the depressor labii inferioris.
Example Question #514 : Nclex
What are the origin and insertion of the orbicularis oris?
The temporomandibular joint; the buccinator
The mandibular condyle; the fascia of the masseter
The zygomatic arch; the modiolus
The maxilla and mandible; the skin of the lips
The maxilla and mandible; the skin of the lips
The orbicularis oris, a circular muscle that compresses the lips, originates on the maxilla and mandible and inserts into the skin of the lips
Example Question #1 : Muscle Identification
Which of the following muscles assists in frowning?
The temporoparietalis muscle
The depressor supercilii
The auricular muscles
The depressor anguli oris
The depressor anguli oris
The depressor anguli oris is a small triangular muscle that originates on the mandible and inserts into the modiolus. It's main action is to lower the corners of the mouth in frowning. The auricular muscles are a part of the inner ear. The temporoparietalis muscle is a thin muscle covering the temporal bone, and the depressor supercilii is a muscle of the eye.
Example Question #516 : Nclex
Which of the following muscles controls the amplitude of sound waves in the inner ear?
The stapedius
The auriculares
The ciliary muscles
The lateral rectus
The stapedius
The stapedius, the smallest muscle in the human body, controls the amplitude of sound vibrations pulling on the neck of the stapes.The auriculares move the ears. The ciliary muscle and the lateral rectus are both muscles of the eye.
Example Question #517 : Nclex
What is the action of the superior oblique muscle of the eye?
Depresses and internally rotates the eye
Elevates the eye
Externally rotates the eye
Elevates the eyelid
Depresses and internally rotates the eye
The superior oblique originates on the annulus of Zinn and inserts into the outer posterior eye. It's action is to depress and internally rotate the eye.
Example Question #31 : Musculoskeletal System And Anatomy
Which of the following innervates the platysma?
The facial nerve (CN VII)
The mylohyoid nerve
The vagus nerve
The motor accessory nerve
The facial nerve (CN VII)
The platysma, a sheet-like muscle that traverses the neck from the clavicle to the mouth and jaw, is innervated by the cervical branch of the facial nerve (CN VII).
Example Question #31 : Musculoskeletal System And Anatomy
Which of the following muscles has its origin on the mastoid process of the temporal bone?
The splenius capitis
The rectus capitis posterior major
The rectus capitis posterior minor
The semispinalis capitis
The splenius capitis
The splenius capitis, one of the main extenders of the neck, has it's origin on the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The rectus capitis posterior minor, the rectus capitis posterior major, and the semispinalis capitis all originate on the nuchal line of the occipital bone.
Example Question #1 : Muscle Identification
What are the main muscles responsible for keeping an upright spinal position?
The levatores costarum
The rhomboids
The erector spinae
The latissimus dorsi
The erector spinae
While all of the muscles listed are part of the structure and mobility of the back, the main muscle group responsible for maintaining erect posture in the erector spinae.
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