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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Biotechnology
Which of the following is not an example of a way in which organisms have been genetically modified by human beings?
Artificial selection and breeding
Natural selection
Natural selection
Natural selection is the process by which organisms that survive best pass on their genes, ensuring genetic modification over time. This is always occurring in the natural world. This can be contrasted with artificial selection, which occurs when humans select for certain traits. Bioballistics and biolistics are two terms for the same idea. They refer to the process of using a "gene gun" in order to introduce genetic material into an organism.
Thus, natural selection is the only option which doesn't involve human intervention.
Example Question #2 : Contemporary Commercial Agriculture
The acronym GMO stands for __________.
Grossly Manipulated Organism
Genetically Modified Organism
Gastronomically Modified Origin
Grossly Maladjusted Organism
Genetically Manipulated Origin
Genetically Modified Organism
The acronym GMO stands for “Genetically Modified Organism.” It is used in common parlance to refer to a crop whose genetic structure has been altered to make it more useful and efficient for human purposes. GMOs are often controversial because some scientists claim that their health effects have not yet been realized.
Example Question #1 : Contemporary Commercial Agriculture
This broad term encompasses all innovative techniques used to improve the usefulness of plant and animal species for human agricultural purposes?
Vertical integration
Horizontal integration
The term “biotechnology” is applied to any technological innovation that is designed to improve the usefulness of plant and animals species for human agricultural purposes. Biotechnology is what drove the population growth of the Green Revolution. It is often controversial, such as in genetically modified organisms.
Example Question #2 : Biotechnology
Opponents of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) primarily contend that __________.
All of these answers are correct.
scientists are experimenting on people in the poorest parts of the world
GMOs are less efficient and less reliable
the environmental and public health consequences are unknown and potentially catastrophic
GMOs are only beneficial to the most wealthy people in the world
the environmental and public health consequences are unknown and potentially catastrophic
Genetically Modified Organisms are crops whose genetic makeup has been altered to encourage some positive traits and eliminate some negative traits. These crops, however, are not universally supported. Opponents of GMOs argue that the environmental consequences remain unknown and could be potentially devastating. Even opponents of GMOs recognize their potential to benefit those in areas of economic and food scarcity.
Example Question #1 : Biotechnology
Apart from the United States, which of these countries accounts for the majority of the world’s usage and production of ethanol to fuel motor vehicles?
The United Kingdom
The United States and Brazil together account for almost ninety percent of the world’s production of ethanol fuel and are by far the biggest uses of ethanol to fuel motor vehicles. Brazil’s government has made it an official policy and ethanol usage continues to rise in Brazil.
Example Question #4 : Biotechnology
Supporters of genetically-modified organisms (GMO's) primarily argue that __________.
GMO's are healthier and safer
GMO's are more efficient and reliable
None of these
GMO's are beneficial to people in the poorest parts of the world
GMO's are advancing our scientific understanding
GMO's are more efficient and reliable
Genetically-modified organisms are a controversial topic in contemporary agricultural geography. GMO's are crops whose genetic makeup has been altered to encourage positive traits and eliminate negative traits. This leads to a more efficient process and a more reliable product, but has many potential downsides.
Example Question #3 : Biotechnology
Ethanol, an alcohol produced from corn and grain, is commonly used __________.
in water treatment plants
in refrigerators and air conditioners
All of these answers are correct.
to power motor vehicles
as an antiseptic
to power motor vehicles
“Ethanol” is an ethyl alcohol produced from corn and grain. In recent years it has started to be used to fuel motor vehicles, particularly in the United States. Ethanol is neither used as an antiseptic nor as a form of water treatment.
Example Question #1 : Biotechnology
What name is given to a tool used to kill insects and other animals that might damage agricultural products?
“Pesticides” are chemicals that are used to treat agricultural crops so as to kill any insects or animals that might try to damage the crop. “Herbicides” are similar but are chemicals that are used to treat agricultural crops so as to kill any plants that might cause a disruption in the growth of the desired product.
Example Question #1 : Biotechnology
Which of the following is not an example of biotechnology?
Artificially inseminating dairy cattle to improve milk production
Using bacteria to make yogurt
Grizzly-polar bear hybrids occurring in the wild
Genetically engineering corn to be herbicide resistant
Grizzly-polar bear hybrids occurring in the wild
Genetic engineering, artificial insemination, and the use of bacteria to make food products are all examples of biotechnology, or the purposeful utilization of biological organisms and/or processes to create or improve products. Hybrid animals bred naturally in the wild are not considered an example of biotechnology.
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All AP Human Geography Resources