What's Included:

Your Small Group Class instructor will provide a comprehensive overview of the exam, while your 1-on-1 tutor will reinforce instruction, target problem areas, and accelerate learning. With both in your studying arsenal, you can exponentially increase your understanding of the GMAT exam. You’ll learn proven methods for better time management and test pacing, critical reasoning strategies, and quantitative methodologies. You'll also learn strategies for tackling trickier questions on the test, like data sufficiency question types.

Highly Qualified Instructors
All instructors and tutors are vetted GMAT experts who know the material, understand the exam, and can help you earn a higher score. They’ll give real-time support to guide you through struggles and successes while customizing the pace and content to fit your unique needs.
How Tutor Matching Works:
Step 1: Consultation: A GMAT education consultant will contact you to better understand your background, goals, and learning style.
Step 2: Matching Taking into account everything we learn during the consultation, we use a series of proprietary algorithms and analyze over 100 variables to pinpoint the perfect GMAT tutor for your needs.
Step 3: Personalized Tutoring Finally, we help schedule your first session with your tutor on our award-winning Live Learning Platform.

Self Study Resources
You’ll also have full access to our GMAT Self-Study Resources. Practice the strategies you learn in class and track your progress with:
Dozens of expert-curated practice tests, diagnostic tests, and our question bank
Strategy guides for each exam section
Flash cards
Mobile app for on-the-go practice
Sample GMAT Course Syllabus
Class 1: GMAT Foundations, Logic, and Strategy
In this overview of the GMAT, you’ll learn the exam format, its adaptive scoring system, and how to optimize for pacing and study. You’ll also explore the GMAT’s unique question formats, in particular Data Sufficiency, and learn how to approach each type.
Class 2: Arithmetic and Number Properties
The GMAT’s quantitative section famously does not allow calculators, allowing it to ask questions about number properties and patterns, and to reward quick mental math skills. You’ll learn how to deconstruct those question types, plus review factors, multiples, percents, ratios, and other frequently-tested arithmetic concepts.
Class 3: Critical Reasoning
Instructors will outline a strategy for facing Critical Reasoning questions, one of three verbal question families. You’ll learn to classify CR questions by their stems, apply strategies for each type, and learn to spot the common logic gaps.
Class 4: Algebra and Geometry
This class explores the algebra and geometry concepts tested on the GMAT, and strategies for identifying tools to use in specific situations. You’ll review exponents, roots, quadratics, inequalities, triangle properties, quadrilaterals, circles, and coordinate geometry.
Class 5: Sentence Correction
You’ll cover the grammar and diction rules tested in the Sentence Correction section. The exam famously baits test-takers into “false decisions,” so it’s a must to deeply understand the major error categories.
Class 6: Word Problems
You’ll deconstruct the GMAT’s common word problems: work/rate problems, min/max scenarios, overlapping sets, percent change and ratio problems, and weighted averages and mixtures. You’ll also practice translating words into mathematical relationships, and learn time-saving strategies like backsolving and number-picking.
Class 7: Reading Comprehension
You’ll learn how to effectively read passages, budget your time, and identify common traps.
Class 8: Probability, Statistics, and Combinatorics
You’ll break down advanced math topics tested on the GMAT, and gain insight into how each is tested. You’ll also explore the statistics concepts of mean, median, mode, and range; the probability concepts of dependent, independent, “at least,” and binomial probability; and permutations, combinations, and advanced counting methods.
Class 9: Data Sufficiency and Advanced Math Strategy
GMAT math questions are known for their trickery. This class will emphasize strategy by deconstructing the Data Sufficiency question type into logic puzzles with concrete strategies. You’ll also cover techniques for performing challenging calculations.
Class 10: Integrated Reasoning and Advanced Verbal Review
You’ll cover the GMAT’s Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing sections, and review advanced strategies for Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction, and Reading Comprehension.
Enroll Now
GMAT Class
• Typically 6-9 students per class.
• 20 hours of live instruction.
• Students get personalized help and attention.