Award-Winning ACT Writing Tutors

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Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

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Private ACT Writing Tutoring

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best ACT Writing tutors work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored ACT Writing lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

ACT Writing Tutoring FAQ

Varsity Tutors is pleased to help those who have been searching for "ACT Writing tutors near me." We will connect your student to a qualified ACT Writing tutor dedicated to assisting students in preparation for the writing section of the upcoming ACT. Enlisting the aid of ACT Writing tutoring is an excellent way to give your student the opportunity to perform their best on exam day. Not only can ACT Writing tutors help bolster a student's test-taking abilities, but they can also provide students with relevant test-specific content designed to maximize their potential in the subject. An ACT Writing tutor can impart their knowledge and wisdom of test-taking techniques for standardized exams in general, which can give students an invaluable advantage no matter what the specific content of the test might be. As opposed to studying alone, Varsity Tutors can match your student with ACT Writing tutoring that can give them the kind of structure needed to properly prepare for the exam.

The purpose of the ACT Writing section is to evaluate a student's writing ability, specifically their aptitude for essay writing. This is a critical component of the college admissions process. The writing portion of the ACT will be used to determine if a student is adequately prepared for the coursework they will encounter in their undergraduate studies. An impressive score on the ACT Writing exam section can bolster a student's chances of being accepted to the college or university of their choice. Colleges will compare student's scores, so this can be an opportunity for your student to shine for the college admissions boards.

4.9/5.0 Satisfaction Rating*

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

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Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent ACT Writing Tutoring Session Notes

Online ACT Writing Tutoring review by Tarana
Today we focused on the test writing section. We went over the tips for success in the test book and went over the different types of questions he would see on the test and talked about which ones were the hardest for him (typically the questions that asked about the passage as a whole required more thought and time). We formulated strategies that would save time and allow him to work faster and efficiently. We did some timed sections and found that the student should practice more in order to work faster on the actual test. He missed a few questions here and there and we went over the logic behind his reasoning and why the correct answer was true. I feel the student has more confidence in himself in this section compared to the reading and science section.
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Online ACT Writing Tutoring review by Joseph
The student did fairly well on his practice ACT Writing prompt; however, his essay was very repetitious, so we discussed ways to simplify his language. We then looked over another of the students essays for further practice, discussing grammatical rules and rhetorical strategies to strengthen his writing. I have assigned another practice Writing prompt for next time.
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Online ACT Writing Tutoring review by Michele
The student and I reviewed complex and compound sentences. We then selected an ACT essay topic, and she worked on brainstorming, outlining, and writing the essay in a timed setting. We then reviewed her essay. She also followed the same process for an SAT essay. She needs to develop an example bank and a basic essay structure in advance. This is what we will continue working on.
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Online ACT Writing Tutoring review by Suzanne
We finished going over structure and strategies for the writing section, and he wrote essays based on two sample prompts. At first, he had trouble staying within the time limit, but he was able to complete the second essay within a reasonable time frame.
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Online ACT Writing Tutoring review by Ian
Started with a quick joint look at two sample ACT Reading passages, then conducted another timed mini-section. The student managed time well, with about 2 minutes to proofread, and turned in a perfect score. Reading comprehension is clearly not a problem here. We'll focus mostly on test familiarity and simple practice. We then discussed the Writing section. I walked him through a breakdown of what the essay graders look for, and what the essential elements to a strong written argument are. Concluded by writing a practice outline in response to a sample prompt. Our goal for the next meeting is to produce a complete prose essay in response to an ACT prompt. Very productive session.
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Online ACT Writing Tutoring review by Justin
Focused on the Writing portion of the test since it is the only section we have yet to cover. Also, graded some other practice problems that were worked on over the past week. Her abilities are much improved and things seem positive going into her test date on June 8.
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If you're looking to sign up for ACT Writing tutoring, Varsity Tutors would be happy to help you get connected with a qualified ACT Writing tutor. Taking advantage of ACT Writing instruction can be an excellent choice when you are preparing to take this exam. Not only can your instructor help you work on your test-taking skills, but he or she can also assist you in reviewing the appropriate content found on the ACT Writing section and help you showcase your potential. An ACT Writing instructor can share their personal knowledge of various exam taking strategies. This will not only help you with your ACT Writing but can also assist you when taking any future standardized exam. Varsity Tutors is here to connect you with the right instruction to help you adequately review for the exam.

The ACT is a three hour and 35-minute exam with four sections, plus the writing section. Taking the Writing section of the ACT is optional in many states. The purpose of this part of the ACT is to assess your writing abilities and your capacity to organize an essay. The ACT is an important step when applying to various colleges and or universities. If you choose to participate in the Writing section or you live in one of the states that require you to take it, you'll want to make sure to do your best. Receiving a good score on the Writing portion of the ACT can set you apart from the crowd and improve your chances of being accepted to a college or university of your choice. Colleges do take the time to compare student scores so you'll want to everything you can to put your best foot forward to attempt to impress the admissions office at the college or university you'd like to attend.

If you'd like to learn more about the ACT exam and how a private instructor can assist you in preparing, keep reading.

What skills or content can I review with ACT Writing tutors to prepare for the Writing section of the ACT?

The ACT writing section is a 40-minute assessment that contains only one essay question. The question will provide you with a prompt that covers an issue and three varied perspectives about the issue. Your response must state your own perspective. You will also be required to analyze connections between your viewpoint and at least one of the three perspectives provided on the exam. This part of the ACT is your opportunity to showcase the writing skills you are expected to have learned throughout high school English and demonstrate your potential for success in entry-level college composition courses. Your instructor could help you work on drafting your response and organizing it to make sure your thoughts are clearly and coherently formulated. Since part of the essay requires you to analyze the connections between your viewpoint and the ones provided, you will also want to work on your analytical thinking skills and your ability to make comparisons between different ideas. If these are skills that you feel you need assistance with, your ACT Writing tutor can help you practice.

You will also need to demonstrate a solid grasp of spelling and grammar skills and be able to use tone and flow to make your essay easily understood. Your ACT Writing tutor can help you practice communicating your opinion in an effective manner using proper written English conventions. Part of the evaluation of the section of the exam includes your ability to support your argument with adequate evidence. To do this, you may need to be able to include citations from the reading prompt to support your point. As such, having good reading comprehension skills can be a huge advantage when you are attempting to perform well on this part of the ACT. With only 40 minutes to write your essay, you'll need to be able to quickly organize your ideas in a concise manner and communicate these efficiently and clearly. You'll also need to make sure to leave enough time to reread and edit your essay for clarity. Practicing the skills with an instructor can help you gain confidence in your ability to complete the Writing section in the allowed time.

ACT Writing tutors can have first-hand knowledge of the scoring scale used for the ACT Writing assessment. Your private instructor can sit down with you and discuss the scoring rubric so you know which skills you should work on. This will help you when you go to take the Writing section of the exam since you will know exactly what the scores are looking for. Your ACT Writing instructor will help you understand that the scoring for this part of the exam is based on your analytical skills as well as your overall writing abilities. You will want to approach your essay with these considerations in mind.

How is ACT Writing tutoring different than studying in other educational settings?

ACT Writing tutoring offers many benefits that you won't find any traditional classroom setting. In a typical educational environment, teachers must keep a large number of students in consideration when creating lesson plans. With private instruction, your teacher only has to focus on you and your particular needs. He or she has the time to get to know your particular educational strengths, the areas in which you need the most improvement, and your preferred learning method. This information can assist you or instructor in creating personalized lesson plans catered exactly to your educational needs. For example, if your instructor determined you are a visual learner, he or she can provide various videos or infographics to assist you in seeing the information in a new manner. If you turn out to be an auditory learner, your instructor may supplement lessons with an audiobook or podcast about ACT Writing or use a lecture style for study sessions. When you're able to learn using your preferred learning style, it makes learning easier and more enjoyable.

In addition to being able to cater your study sessions to fit within your preferred learning style, your instructor can also focus on the exact areas in which you need improvement. If you have already mastered the ability to use proper grammar and spelling, there is no need for your instructor to spend any time reviewing these skills. Instead, your teacher can assist you in practicing planning and writing before getting started pacing yourself properly in order to finish the essay on time. If you're struggling with a particular area, you can devote as many study sessions to working on it as necessary for you to feel confident in your abilities. This is not possible and a typical classroom setting. As you improve and advance in your writing skills, lesson plans can be adjusted so you can work on new areas or skills.

When you choose to allow Varsity Tutors to connect you with a teacher, we provide you with the option to meet with your instructor online or in person. If you decide to utilize our online option, you will be able to access your study sessions using our live learning platform. This platform brings your private instruction sessions to your favorite study spot as long as you have a computer and Wi-Fi. Utilizing the online option also increases the number of instructors we can look at as we try to find the right one to see your needs since you will not be limited to working with someone in your immediate area.

If you choose the in-person option, we will do everything in our power to set you up with an instructor who can fit it within your already established schedule. For example, if you spend your afternoon doing extracurricular activities or sporting events, you can schedule your study sessions with your instructor for the weekends.

No matter where you are in your ACT Writing review or which option you choose to utilize in order to meet with your instructor, we are available to support you as you work for your ACT Writing goals.

What do I need to do to get started with quality ACT Writing tutors?

Taking the ACT Writing section of the exam is a smart idea. Since it is not required that you take it in most places, choosing to sit for this portion of the exam demonstrates ambition and initiative to the admissions office at the college or university you hope to attend. If you choose to take this exam section or required to, it makes sense to take advantage of all the tools at your disposal. At Varsity Tutors, we have the goal of matching you with an ACT Writing instructor who is appropriate for your particular needs. We aim to make sure it is as convenient and simple as possible to get signed up. With private instruction, you can take your study sessions to the next level. If you are ready to get started, call Varsity Tutors today so we can connect you with exceptional ACT Writing tutors.

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