If you want to work as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), you need to pass the CFP Certification Exam. This test is designed to assess your ability to integrate and apply a broad base of financial planning knowledge in the context of real life situations. If you're having a hard time translating your academic studies into practical applications, Varsity Tutors can help you find an experienced CFP tutor to assist in your exam prep.
The CFP Certification Exam is an online test consisting of 170 multiple-choice questions, some of which are standalone while others are associated with short scenarios or lengthy case histories. The test is taken in two three-hour sessions with a break in between. Sections on the test include Professional Conduct and Regulation (7%), General Financial Planning Principles (17%), Education Planning (6%), Risk Management and Insurance Planning (12%), Investment Planning (17%), Tax Planning (12%), Retirement Savings and Income Planning (17%), and Estate Planning (12%).
A private CFP tutor can help you on any or all of the areas above, working on whatever you need to focus on. You are also free to study at your own pace, whether that means moving faster or more slowly than your CFP classes. Any questions asked can also be answered quickly, helping you follow every lesson on your quest to earn CFP certification. This makes working with a private tutor a great option for you.
You will have access to Exam Tax Tables during the test, but you need to learn how to effectively utilize them. Your CFP tutor can provide demonstrations to show you how to use them in a timed test environment, and then provide practice problems for some practical experience you can draw on.
While the test lacks a specific reading comprehension component, you need to be able to quickly process the scenarios and case studies that accompany some of the questions. Your CFP tutor can provide sample reading materials to help you learn what to look for. They may even share some active reading tips to make it easier to find a given piece of information in a hurry.
If you're ready to work with a CFP tutor, we can help you find somebody who can work on your schedule. Our mobile-compatible Live Learning Platform allows you to study whenever and wherever you get the chance. It also offers several learning aids, including video chat functionality for face-to-face study sessions online. Reach out to us today for more details.