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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Sources Of Geographical Information
The geographer and mathematician Eratosthenes is famous for __________.
Inventing trigonometry
Producing the first accurate map of the Mediterranean
Determining the circumference of the Earth
Calculating the distance between the Earth and the Moon
Proving that the Earth was round; not flat as was previously believed
Determining the circumference of the Earth
Eratosthenes was an Ancient Greek mathematician and geographer who is notable for determining the circumference of the Earth using geometry. By measuring the sun’s angles from two separate places at the same time, on the same day, he was able to determine that the circumference of the Earth was around 46,000 km. Modern conclusions show that he was only off by a few hundred kilometers, a remarkable achievement for the third century BCE.
Example Question #2 : Sources Of Geographical Information
This geographer is often referred to as the “father of American geography.” He developed a widely-influential theory on the cycle of erosion.
Arno Peters
William Morris Davis
Ernest W. Burgess
Carl Ritter
Carl Sauer
William Morris Davis
The geographer William Morris Davis is often credited with being the “father of American geography.” He wrote his seminal piece on the cycle of erosion which focused on the effects of rivers on the surrounding landscape. Carl Ritter was German and was referred to as one of the "founders of modern geography." Carl Sauer was an American geographer and his work represents his emphasis on cultural geography. Ernest W. Burgess was a Canadian sociologist and is credited with the formation of the method of unit-weightless regression that could be used to predict the success/failure of inmates on parole. Arno Peters was a German historian.
Example Question #421 : Ap Human Geography
Which of the following is not one of the five themes of geography?
Human-environment interaction
The five themes to geography are: location, region, movement, place, and human-environment interaction. Time is important because all of these things change over time, but it is not considered a foundational theme of geography as a discipline.
Example Question #3 : Sources Of Geographical Information
What is a simplified abstraction of reality, structured to clarify causal relationships?
A model is a simplified abstraction of reality, structured to clarify causal relationships. Globes and maps are both types of models.
Example Question #426 : Ap Human Geography
The extremely strict Islamic law is known as __________.
Muslim law
Rivera law
Sharia law
Sunni law
Sharia law
Sharia law is the strict Islamic law that imposes often cruel punishments to lawbreakers.
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