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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Variations Within Major Zones
In which of these countries is extensive farming most common?
The United States of America
The United Kingdom
The United States of America
All of these countries are predominantly “intensive farming” countries, with the exception of the United States of America which is more of an extensive farming country. This is because most agricultural produce in the United States is grown on large swathes of land in relatively depopulated areas of the country, it also involves a great deal of machinery and requires relatively little human labor.
Example Question #2 : Variations Within Major Zones
Which of these is not true about pastoral nomadism?
It is adapted to dry climates
It is based on the herding of domesticated animals
The Bedouins of Saudi Arabia are an example of pastoral nomads
It is a form of subsistence agriculture
It is a common form of agriculture, with about 150 million people practicing it in the world today
It is a common form of agriculture, with about 150 million people practicing it in the world today
Only about 15 million people are pastoral nomads, encompassing about 20% of the Earth's area.
Example Question #3 : Variations Within Major Zones
Some pastoral nomads practice transhumance. What is the best definition for transhumance?
A ritualistic sacrifice that is said to bring good luck
The seasonal migration of livestock between mountainous land and lowland pasture areas
A remnant of transcendentalism
The burning of pastures between crop rotations
An Eastern religion similar to Buddhism
The seasonal migration of livestock between mountainous land and lowland pasture areas
Transhumance is defined as the seasonal movement of livestock (herding) between mountains and lowland pastures. Typically, livestock is moved to the lowlands in the winters and to the highlands in the summers.
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All AP Human Geography Resources