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Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that looks at entire systems, referring to general levels of income and output, and how different sectors of the economy are related, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The AP Macroeconomics course covers subjects like measurement of economic performance, national income and price determination, the financial sector, stabilization policies, economic growth, and the open economy. It is an academic discipline that can be complicated and complex, and when it comes to the Advanced Placement (AP) Macroeconomics course, many students find themselves looking for tools that will help them to have an easier time understanding the topics as they are presented.
If you are one of those students, you might want to consider the set of Flashcards for AP Macroeconomics that is available as one of Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools. There are nearly 50 individual flashcards that cover topics like the following: tax policy, employment, deficit spending, equilibrium, fiscal policy, gross domestic product, and graphs flashcards. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in these ready-made flashcards, you can use the flashcard creator to make personalized flashcards that will help you to understand the topics at hand.
With each individual flashcard, you’ll find a multiple-choice question with five potential answers. Examples include flashcards that ask what tariffs are used for and what they are not used for; identification of parts of the business cycle; where economics and the scientific method intersect; and identifying open-market activities. These are just a few of the subjects that these cards touch on. Some topic sections include flashcards on how to find the overall topic, like in the employment section and the unemployment subsection – you are asked to identify types of frictional unemployment as part of the subsection on how to find unemployment; another “how to find” section is how to find the effect of deficit spending.
As you pick what you believe to be the correct answer on the flashcard, you’ll get immediate feedback to know whether you’re on the right track or not. Each card explains the rationale behind the correct answer. The questions posed on these online flashcards are meant to be similar to those that you’ll encounter on the AP Macroeconomics exam. The test is comprised of multiple-choice questions, and multiple free response questions.
If, during your study and test preparation efforts, you’ve touched on a topic, but find that you want to go more in depth, you can go back to flashcards you’ve already dealt with, without penalty. After you create an online account, you can also access other study aids from the same company that brings you Flashcards for AP Macroeconomics. Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools for macroeconomics also include more than 75 Practice Tests, a Question of the Day series focusing on a new question every day, and something called Learn by Concept, an interactive syllabus for students to explore.
Our AP Macroeconomics flashcards each contain one question that might appear on the AP Macroeconomics exam. You can use them to get a comprehensive overview of each topic covered on the AP Macroeconomics exam one problem at a time, or to do problem drills that focus on particular problem types or content areas found on the AP Macroeconomics exam.
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