AP World History : Ethnic Identities 1750 to 1900

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Ethnic Identities 1750 To 1900

The prodigious philosopher Herbert Spencer is often remembered for his advocacy of __________.

Possible Answers:

the formation of the League of Nations

the formation of the European Union

Utopian socialism

Social Darwinism

the Zionist movement

Correct answer:

Social Darwinism


Herbert Spencer is often remembered for his passionate belief in Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is the belief that the biological theory of natural selection can be used to explain geopolitics and the differences between western nations and the rest of the world. It was used to reinforce the legitimacy of European imperialism in the second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

Example Question #1 : Ethnic Identities

Most of the ruling dynasties of Persia (Iran) over the last 1000 years are of which language-group origin?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Almost all of the ruling dynasties of Persia (Iran) over the last 1000 years have been of Turkic origin. The Pahlavi dynasty, which took power in 1925, ended this long pattern.

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