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As you begin or continue your journey toward the GRE, you may find it useful to take a Denver GRE class. A Denver GRE class can provide a collaborative environment where you can review material covered by the exam and develop strategies that could be beneficial on test day.

The GRE is used by many colleges and universities as a part of their graduate admissions process. As such, it's important for you to perform well on the exam to boost your chances of getting noticed by graduate schools like the University of Denver or the University of Colorado-Denver.

The GRE is made up of three different sections and you will have approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes to complete the exam in its entirety. The GRE is administered in over 160 different countries around the world, and in most areas, it is computer-based. As you prepare for the test, reach out to Varsity Tutors to get more information about signing up for a Denver GRE course is right for you.

What could a Denver GRE class help me review?

There are several areas in which a Denver GRE class could help you review in preparation for taking the GRE. The GRE is made up of three sections, including Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. Each section tests your knowledge in different areas. Taking a GRE course could be helpful because many students are not proficient in every area of the test. It can be beneficial to work with an instructor to review some of the material you may be less familiar with.

The Quantitative Reasoning section is scored between 130 and 170 points and you will have 70 minutes to finish it. This section contains 40 questions and is primarily focused on arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. The Quantitative Reasoning section is designed to measure your understanding of mathematical concepts, your ability to use logical reasoning and solve problems, and your basic math skills. This section consists of three different types of questions, including numeric entry, multiple choice, and quantitative comparison.

The Verbal Reasoning section is also scored between 130 and 170 points. This section contains 40 questions, and you will receive 60 minutes to finish this section. The Verbal Reasoning section is concentrated on your ability to evaluate passages, interpret meaning based on context, and analyze a piece of text and be able to reach a conclusion about it. These are all skills that are valued in graduate school. As such, it makes sense for the GRE to test for these skills so that admissions offices can get a better idea as to whether students have the skills needed to succeed in graduate school.

The Verbal Reasoning section of the GRE consists of three different types of questions, including reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence. The reading comprehension questions focus on reading a passage and being able to demonstrate that you can understand the passage by answering questions about it. There are approximately 10 passages in this section, and they can range in length from either one paragraph to several paragraphs. There are typically between 1 and 6 questions per passage. Questions regarding text completion involve reading through short passages and choosing the best answer option between the 3 and 5 options provided. Finally, sentence equivalence questions require you to use the information contained within an incomplete sentence to choose the best option for how to complete it.

The Analytical Writing section involves 2 tasks that you're given 60 minutes to complete. This section is scored between 0 and 6 and you will be given 30 minutes to complete each task. These tasks involve being able to analyze an issue and being able to analyze an argument. This section is geared towards measuring your mastery of written English, looking at your ability to support ideas with examples and reasons, and examining your ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is both clear and effective.

How can a Denver GRE course help me prepare?

There are several ways in which a Denver GRE course can help you prepare for the test. One way is for you to work on reviewing material that is likely to be on the test. This could include going over vocabulary words that might be unfamiliar to you or going over math topics you haven't looked at in years. This could also include going over strategies for writing a clear and effective response in the Analytical Writing section.

One of the benefits of taking a Denver GRE course is the opportunity to work with both an instructor and other students. Working with an instructor gives you a guide who can help you when you're stuck in a particular area. It is helpful to work alongside someone who can help lead you through the material you need to know. Working with other students allows your course time to be more collaborative, discussion-oriented, and interactive.

Additionally, if you have specific questions about a topic that require more attention than your instructor dedicates to it during class time, you have the opportunity to request to meet with your instructor outside of class to discuss concepts on an individual level.

Another benefit to taking a Denver GRE class is that it is easy to fit a class into your schedule. New classes start up every week, and since they take place in an online setting, you can take your class anywhere you have an Internet connection. This makes finding time to study easy even for someone with a packed schedule. Just decide on a day and time that works best for you and sign up.

How can I find a Denver GRE prep course?

Finding a Denver GRE prep course is as simple as contacting Varsity Tutors either online or over the phone. You can sign up for either a two week course or a four week course, depending on your needs. Our educational consultants can answer any questions you have about GRE prep courses, so call today!

Contact us today to connect with a top Denver GRE instructor