Award-Winning CPA Courses & Classes in Austin, TX

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If your CPA exam is approaching fast and you need an effective way to study, consider an Austin CPA exam prep course offered by Varsity Tutors. Otherwise known as the Uniform Certified Public Accountant exam, the CPA is an important step towards becoming a professional accountant. If you don't pass this test, it's impossible to become certified, and it's a requirement in all 55 jurisdictions of the United States. It's safe to say that your future career as an accountant hinges upon this challenging test. This is exactly why it's so important to study as best you can, and a prep course can help you reach for your highest goals in this regard.

With all that said, the CPA exam isn't the only requirement for certification in the United States. The examination is only one aspect of the "Three Es," and the other two components are education and experience. Still, the CPA exam is important because it accurately determines your ability to serve as a professional accountant in the real world. You'll be tested on a wide range of different skills and concepts that accountants rely on in their everyday careers.

All kinds of different students take the CPA exam every single year. Some are working professionals who want to challenge themselves and advance in their careers. Maybe your education has been leading to a career in accounting for many years. You might have studied related courses at the University of Texas in Austin, or Saint Edward's University. Whatever the case may be, the CPA exam is the logical next step, and a prep course might make a real difference as you study.

What Might You Learn With An Austin CPA Exam Course?

It's important to understand the overall structure of the CPA exam in order to study effectively. This is a lengthy examination process which comprises of four separate sections. Each section has a time limit of four hours, which means that you'll to take each one in a separate sitting. You'll have 18 months in which to complete all four sections, so you can study in stages if you'd like. With each section, a passing grade of at least 75% is required.

Each section will test your knowledge of a specific aspect of accountancy. These topics include Regulation, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Auditing and Attestation, and finally Business Environment and Concepts. Each exam section follows the same basic structure, with 62 to 76 multiple choice questions and a few task-based simulation. In addition, the Business Environment and Concepts section includes a written component.

With this general structure in mind, you can tackle the exam in a strategic manner. Your prep course instructor might help you develop skills for each type of question, whether they're in multiple-choice format or task-based simulations. For example, speed and efficiency are two important factors when answering multiple choice questions in a time limit. Your prep course might help you learn how to reach for your full potential within the time limits. Strategies might include figuring out how long you should spend on each question, and skipping questions that are taking up too much time.

How Does An Austin CPA Exam Course Help You Learn?

Your Austin CPA exam course will focus on a collaborative, interactive learning approach. You'll study along with other like-minded students in a virtual classroom that you can access from anywhere. A knowledgeable instructor will guide you through difficult concepts that might appear on your CPA exam. As you delve deeper into these topics, you can ask questions and voice your opinion whenever appropriate. Other students can do the same, and this positive exchange of ideas might lead to lively class discussions. During class discussions, fellow students might ask questions or raise issues that you never considered. This could lead to a much deeper, more enriched learning experience. And if you still have unanswered questions, you can always speak with your instructor in a one-on-one setting.

How Can You Sign Up For An Austin CPA Exam Class?

Whether you're a busy student or a working professional, it's easy to find a class that fits your schedule. You can choose between night classes, weekend classes, and even classes during your lunch break. You'll also choose between a two-week and four-week class. New classes start up every single month, so you can start studying effectively soon. The CPA is an extensive, challenging series of examinations, and it makes sense to study as best you can. An Austin CPA exam class might be a great way to do just that, so call Varsity Tutors today for more information.

Contact us today to connect with a top Austin CPA instructor