Award-Winning USMLE Courses & Classes in Boulder, CO

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Varsity Tutors is offers an excellent online Boulder USMLE prep course. The United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) is taken by those wishing to become licensed medical professionals in the United States. Students living in the Boulder, CO, area or those studying at University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora are good candidates for our Boulder USMLE class. The online class is taught by a professional educator who will help you learn test-taking strategies and refresh you on the topics covered on the USMLE. This professional test is divided into three Steps. Many medical students will take Step 1 after their second year of school. They may then take Step 2 during their fourth year of school. If the student passes both of these Steps, they can then take Step 3. Students can take this Step only after the date that they graduate from medical school. Agencies that provide professionals with medical licensing often require students to take all three Steps within a seven-year period. This period begins after passing the first Step.

What can a Boulder USMLE course cover?

Since the USMLE is typically taken over several years, you can sign up for our prep class before starting any of the Steps. You may choose to take the course before Step 1 to prepare for each Step to come or take a course before each Step. Step 1 is a one-day test comprised of 280 multiple choice questions. The test is taken in seven sections of 60 minutes over one day. The online prep course instructor will cover all of the topics found on the test. These may include Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Endocrine System, and Multisystem Processes and Disorders.

During Step 2, students will take the test over two days. The first day will be a Clinical Knowledge test comprised of 316 multiple choice questions. These are taken over eight 60-minute sessions. The second day of Step 2 is focused on Clinical Skills. This part of Step 2 will be held at one of six testing centers in the U.S. There are two centers in Philadelphia and one in each of the following cities: Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles. The Clinical Skills section of the test will feature 12 patient cases. Students are given 15 minutes per patient encounter and an additional 10 minutes per patient to compose a patient note. The Skills test is subdivided into three topics: Integrated Clinical Encounter, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, and Spoken English Proficiency. By taking an online preparation course, students will have the chance to go over many different patient scenarios they may encounter on test day and how to most efficiently work through them.

What are the benefits of preparing in a Boulder USMLE course?

Students can learn mind-easing test-taking tips, discover the testing strategies that favor them the most, and get to work hands-on with other students to study the concepts featured on the test. Our online test prep course offers a unique way of preparing for the USMLE. These courses are led by an instructor and have other students participating as well. Students, peers, and instructors log into their virtual classroom and interact with each other using a webcam and microphone. Students can also work alongside the other students or instructor using a virtual blackboard that allows multi-location collaboration. If there was something covered in class that you would like to dive deeper into with the instructor, you can request a one-on-one meeting to cover topics on which you may need more guidance.

Attending medical school is a lot of hard work. Varsity Tutors understands this and is here to help you find the right class to help you increase your knowledge and understanding leading up to taking any or all of the USMLE Steps. Since the Boulder USMLE class is offered online, students may take this class wherever they are most comfortable. This may be at the hospital cafeteria over a break or nestled up in the comfort of your own home.

How can I begin a Boulder USMLE Course?

These classes have a rolling admissions structure. This means that new classes start every month and students may choose between a two-week or a four-week prep class. There are several different class times to choose from, so you'll be able to fit USMLE preparation into your unique schedule. Reach out to Varsity Tutors today to get placed into a Boulder USMLE course for a professional approach to preparing for the test.

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