You can rely on Varsity Tutors to find California Bar exam training to help you study efficiently for the bar exam. In a one-on-one learning setting, you can have all the time you need to fully cover the topics that may appear on this exam. Studying diligently is essential if you want to reach for your goals on the bar exam. You'll need to pass this exam to practice law in California, and studying alongside an expert can be a smart alternative to studying alone.
If you'd like to find out more about the benefits of the tutoring we can set you up with, we can explain them fully as you continue reading.
What is on the California bar exam?
The bar exam assesses your capability to function as a professional lawyer. You'll need to pass the bar in order to practice law in the United States, and each state has varying requirements for their specific bar exam. In each state, there's a different agency that offers the bar test. In California, this agency allows you to take the bar exam if you've graduated from a non-ABA-approved law school, a foreign law school, a correspondence law school, or an online law school.
Completing the bar exam can take a number of days, and it includes different components. California has not adopted the UBE and instead relies on a combination of the MBE, the MPRE, and a jurisdiction-drafted exam.
MBE stands for Multistate Bar Examination, and it's one of the most common components of the bar exam across all states in America. It comprises of 200 multiple-choice questions, and you'll have three hours to complete each half of the exam. Generally, three hours are provided for you to complete the first 100 questions of the MBE, with a second, afternoon session provided for you to complete the last half within the same amount of time.
The questions that appear on the MBE focus mostly on common law and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). It's important to approach the MBE's time limit with a strategic approach, and you can work with the California bar exam coach we find with you to develop helpful time management strategies. These new strategies might include skipping questions that are taking too long and knowing how many minutes to devote to each question in order to stay within the time limit.
In addition to the MBE, the California bar exam includes its own forms of assessment that are independent of the UBE adopted by many other states. One of the components that California includes in its own unique bar exam is a test focused on writing essays. In this section of the California bar exam, you'll have a total of five hours to complete five essays each based on questions that focus on different topics. These may focus on civil procedure, community property, and wills and succession. We can find California bar exam training that can sharpen your understanding of these topics, and you can conduct practice essays with your instructor and receive helpful feedback.
Another component of California's jurisdiction-drafted exam is a 90-minute Performance Test (PT) that is typically offered on the same day as the essay section. This section is intended to mimic hands-on tasks that a lawyer might be asked to complete during their professional career. The California bar exam tutors we can find for you can help you prepare for this section as they provide you with opportunities to practice tasks that might appear on the PT, such as writing a legal memorandum or drafting a settlement.
The last component of the bar exam in California you'll need to prepare for is the MPRE, otherwise known as the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam. This test assesses your knowledge of ethics and the law the governs the professional conduct of lawyers. You'll need to approach this test with a solid understanding of topics like contempt, privilege, and disqualification. We can find California bar exam tutors who can explain these topics in different ways so that you can gain a more concrete understanding of them.
There's a fee of $1,228 associated with taking the bar for the first time as a lawyer, and that fee is increased to $1,534 if you're approaching the test as an attorney. If you need to retake the exam, you'll be asked to pay those fees once again. There is also a $153 fee if you'd like to bring a laptop to use with the provided software. When we find California bar exam tutoring for you, you can work in a structured, organized environment that can prepare you for the challenges of your upcoming exam so that you can reach for your potential and strive to take the exam only once.
How can California bar exam tutors help me study for my test?
Private tutoring can be an effective way to learn new concepts because there are no other students present. This means you can set the pace of your learning and ensure that you're spending enough time covering concepts like constitutional law and fully absorbing key information. In addition, you can work with the California bar exam tutors we find for you if you'd like to increase the pace when you cover topics that you're familiar with, such as torts. This level of customization is hard to achieve outside of a one-on-one setting.
Another key benefit of California bar exam tutoring is the fact that your instructors can choose teaching methods based on your learning style. If you're a visual learner, your instructor can cover topics like civil procedure with the aid of flashcards or color-coded graphs. If you learn more effectively through verbal teaching techniques, we can find an instructor for you who can discuss topics like jury verdicts at length and provide you with plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Hands-on learners can tackle topics like post-trial motions with the help of their instructor as they participate in interactive exercises.
How can I fit sessions with California bar exam tutors in with my busy schedule?
We understand that many of those approaching the bar might be working professionals or university students with hectic schedules. Regardless of how busy you might be, we can make sure that you can study effectively when we connect you to California bar exam tutoring. Online and in-person sessions are available, although the virtual nature of our Live Learning Platform can be a smart move if you want flexibility and convenience.
You can access your sessions from any location with an internet connection. The voice chat feature makes virtual sessions highly interactive, and there's a virtual whiteboard to help illustrate topics that are better represented visually. One of the most useful aspects of our Live Learning Platform is that it automatically records all of your lessons and saves them so that you can access them at any time. This gives you the chance to review key discussions as many times as you need in the weeks and days leading up to your exam.
How can I find a California bar exam coach today?
If you'd like to take advantage of this helpful educational resource, all you need to do is contact Varsity Tutors today. Our educational consultants can take care of the process of finding California bar exam trainers for you, and you can begin studying effectively for your bar exam in as little as 24 hours.

Marjorie: California Bar Exam course instructor the Miami, FL to pursue a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. After graduation I moved to Washington DC for law school. Now I live in Maryland and work as an assistant public defender. I love my career as an attorney, but I also love to teach and mentor students that might be going through...
Education & Certification
- Florida International University - Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice
- American University - Juris Doctor, Legal Studies
Subject Expertise
- California Bar Exam
- Massachusetts Bar Exam
- Wisconsin Bar Exam
- Kansas Bar Exam
- +58 subjects

Matthew: California Bar Exam course instructor
...self-study on my first try for each: California (2015), New York (2020 UBE), and Illinois (2007). On the UBE I scored in the top 8 percentile. During the past few years I've taught numerous students how to pass the bar exam in many states. I am also skilled with essay writing, composition, editing, test taking...
Education & Certification
- University of Florida - Bachelors, English
- Stetson University College of Law - PHD, Law
Subject Expertise
- California Bar Exam
- Kentucky Bar Exam
- Texas Bar Exam
- Florida Bar Exam
- +114 subjects

Melody : California Bar Exam course instructor
...will strive to work to help you be successful with your learning! Each of us have our own style of learning and I will work with you to best find this and YOU will learn and feel successful. I have a diverse background as a RN with a trauma, NICU, NP and specialty nursing. In...
Education & Certification
- Southern Oregon University - Bachelor of Science, Criminology
- Southern Oregon University - Master of Science, Social Sciences
Subject Expertise
- California Bar Exam
- AACN - American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- NCLEX-RN Prep Course
- NCLEX-PN Prep Course
- +267 subjects

Tiffany: California Bar Exam course instructor
...their natural curiosities and growth through lessons that are engaging, interactive, and unique to their learning needs and interests. I have had the opportunity to work with students from ages 2-9 in pre-K, kindergarten, first, and mixed grade classrooms around the world, both in-person and virtually. Teaching is my passion and I believe that learning...
Education & Certification
- The University of Texas at Austin - Bachelor in Business Administration, Marketing
- Teachers College Columbia University - Master of Arts, Early Childhood Education
Subject Expertise
- California Bar Exam
- Bar Exam
- Elementary School
- Professional Certifications
- +22 subjects

Gregory: California Bar Exam course instructor
...concept. This idea is something that I reflect on, usually at the beginning of the academic year, to reinforce to myself the extent to which my students are counting on me as a teacher, the importance of what I am setting out to do, and the dedication required to achieve this goal.
Education & Certification
- University of California-Irvine - Bachelor in Arts, Spanish
- University of California Hastings College of Law - Juris Doctor, Legal Studies
Subject Expertise
- California Bar Exam
- Nevada Bar Exam
- Bar Exam
- Conversational Spanish
- +32 subjects

Krishna: California Bar Exam course instructor, I have held many positions - from waitress to lawyer to presidential campaign staffer. I graduated at the top of my college and law school class and passed the California Bar on the first try. Reflecting upon my varied jobs, I realize that inherent in each one is a responsibility to train and teach...
Education & Certification
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Bachelors, Political Science and Philosophy
- University of San Diego - school of law - Juris Doctor, Legal Studies
Subject Expertise
- California Bar Exam
- Utah Bar Exam
- North Carolina Bar Exam
- Missouri Bar Exam
- +136 subjects

Zach: California Bar Exam course instructor in Chemistry, I decided to pursue a career in intellectual property law by attending law school. After law school, I worked for a bit at a top intellectual property law firm, dealing mostly with pharmaceutical patents and trade secret disputes. I hope to be able to lend my knowledge and skills to help students...
Education & Certification
- University of South Carolina-Columbia - Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
- Wake Forest University - Doctor of Laws, Legal Studies
Subject Expertise
- California Bar Exam
- Bar Exam
- English
- Science
- +37 subjects