Award-Winning CFA Courses & Classes in Cincinnati, OH

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If you're looking for a course to help you prepare for the CFA, Varsity Tutors provides a Cincinnati CFA course that can be perfect for professionals and students alike. The CFA is a challenging exam and you need over 300 hours of study in order to cover the topics you need for the test. Many aspiring candidates who are full-time employees and students from schools such as the University of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky University enroll in review courses to prepare well in advance for the test. So, where do you start and what materials do you review? With the Cincinnati CFA prep course, you can have a comprehensive and well-structured test prep led by experienced instructors who can help you gain the skills you need to perform at your best in the test.

What are some of the topics a Cincinnati CFA class can cover?

In your Cincinnati CFA class, your instructor will guide you through the different Levels of the CFA test. There are three Levels and each Level increases in complexity as you move to the next. Though the coverage of the test is updated every exam cycle, there are basically 10 topics that the exam focuses on. These are Financial Reporting and Analysis, Ethical and Professional Standards, Quantitative Methods, Economics, Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management, Equity Investments, Fixed Income, Derivatives, and Alternative Investments.

Level I has 240 multiple-choice questions divided equally into two test sessions - morning and afternoon. To be eligible for this Level, you need to have a bachelor's degree and at least four years of working experience. Level II has 120 multiple-choice questions with 18 vignettes or "case statements" that have 6 questions each and 3 vignettes with 4 questions each. Level III has a mix of about 8 to 12 essay questions and 11-item set questions made up of 8 vignettes with 6 questions each and 3 vignettes with 4 questions each.

The CFA Institute offers all the three test Levels annually in June with an additional test date in December for the CFA Level I exam. You'll receive either a "pass" or "did not pass" result on your test.

What are the advantages of enrolling in a Cincinnati CFA course?

The CFA course follows a well-organized and comprehensive curriculum so you can have a thorough test prep experience that might be difficult to achieve when reviewing on your own. The course instructors hare experienced, thus you can learn not just the content and the format of the questions but also some very useful test-taking techniques that can make you more efficient when answering questions on exam day. With the course and expert instructors, it can be easier for you to progress in your CFA prep since you have a clear picture of what you're going to study and if ever you encounter challenging topics, you have an instructor you can ask. This is a faster way to make sense of what you don't understand and save you precious time in your review.

Another advantage of the CFA course is that it's conducted online. Unlike traditional reviews where you need to commute to a physical location, you only need your internet connection in order to participate in the online course. Doing your CFA prep can be easier and more convenient since you can study at home, in the morning before going to work, or in the evening when you're done with all your other commitments and errands.

Wondering how you can ask questions during the class? The class is done live so your instructor and classmates will be there with you in the virtual classroom. You can see them and talk to them, ask your questions, and work on practice questions together as if you were in a physical classroom. If you need extra help on topics, you can also schedule a one-on-one session with your instructor to better address your questions.

How can I enroll in a Cincinnati CFA course?

Whether you are an experienced professional or a student, you will need to dedicate a lot of study hours for the test. Make sure all your efforts are not wasted by enrolling in a quality test prep led by experienced CFA instructors. We have new sections that open on a monthly basis which makes it easy for students to start as soon as possible. You can also choose between our 2-week and 4-week courses. Reach out to our educational consultants today at Varsity Tutors so we can help you sign up for your Cincinnati CFA course.

Contact us today to connect with a top Cincinnati CFA instructor