Award-Winning ISEE Test Prep in Cincinnati, OH

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To help your student with their Cincinnati ISEE prep, Varsity Tutors can set them up with services that help them study effectively. In a competitive academic environment, any advantage can help. Because many independent schools may be more interested in your student's application if it contains a high score on an entrance exam like the ISEE, helping them to prepare well can make a difference for their future.

The ISEE stands for Independent School Entrance Exam. There are actually several ISEE sections that are designed to adequately challenge students of many different ages. The Primary Level has three exams (2, 3, and 4) which correspond to the grade the student will be entering the following school year. The Lower Level is for students entering grades 5 or 6. The Middle Level is for incoming 7th and 8th-graders. The Upper Level is for students entering grades 9 or higher. The three highest levels of the ISEE have the same sections, and those sections have the same number of questions and time limits across all three levels. The Primary Level exams are based around basic, foundational skills that are useful throughout a person's life, while the high levels feature increasing challenges and specific skills.

What can my student review during Cincinnati ISEE prep?

The Primary Levels feature three sections which are Reading, Math, and a Writing Sample. Primary Level 2 also features an Auditory Comprehension section. In the three highest levels, there are five main sections which are Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Math Achievement, and the Essay section. Let's have a brief look at the specifics of the main sections in the Lower, Middle, and Upper Levels.

In the Verbal Reasoning section, students must display their understanding of the effective use of the English Language. Students must display their understanding of key vocabulary and be able to use context to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. The 40 questions in this section are based on completing sentences and answering questions involving synonyms. Students will have 20 minutes to display their understanding of grammar and usage conventions, word roots, and parts of speech.

During the Quantitative Reasoning section, there are questions that are focused on mathematical reasoning. While the student must effectively compute answers, the main goal of this section is to display the student's ability to reason from within a mathematical framework. During the 37 questions in this section, students must do effective data analysis, solve problems, and understand when to use which operations. Some of the operations performed during this section are finding mean, median, mode, and range, and determining the area and perimeter of 2-D and 3-D shapes. Students have 35 minutes to finish this section.

The Reading Comprehension section is a 35-minute section that gives students a chance to display their understanding of passages that appear on the exam. Students need to identify the author's intent, the main idea of the passage, and differentiate between the main idea and supporting ideas. This section requires students to use inference to obtain information that is not explicitly provided in the piece, understand relationships, and analyze written works in light of their genre. There are 36 questions in this section.

The 47-question Math Achievement section takes 40 minutes to complete. This section does focus on the student's ability to effectively compute using mathematical operations to solve problems. Students must solve problems that come from algebra and geometry. Students will work with variables and exponents, prime numbers, factors, and fractions throughout various levels of the exam.

During the Essay section, students will respond to a prompt that is provided on the exam. In the 30 minutes they have to complete the piece, students must show their ability to write clearly and effectively, use details, and organize their writing. The Essay section is a chance for students to share about themselves as a person.

How can Cincinnati ISEE prep help my student get ready for the exam?

There are two main paths you can choose for your student's Cincinnati ISEE prep. They can attend a Cincinnati ISEE prep course which is a great option for students who learn well in a group. They can also work with a Cincinnati ISEE tutor if they work best in a one-on-one environment.

During a Cincinnati ISEE prep class, your student can hear live lectures in a virtual classroom, interact with their classmates, and ask their instructor questions. They are able to think about the material from a number of perspectives and hear different viewpoints. This opportunity to engage with the material in a number of ways can help your student to internalize the content they are learning. The instructor can focus the class time on the needs of the whole group while providing an effective overview of the test material.

There are new sessions of these classes that start every week, and you can pick a session that fits your student's schedule. There are sessions that last for two weeks and for four weeks.

If your student works with a Cincinnati ISEE tutor, they can learn in an environment devoted to their needs. By focusing on your student's goals and learning style, these sessions can allow your student to focus on the material that is most important for them and learn in ways that help them engage effectively with the material. The interactions your student has throughout these sessions can help them to increase their skills and confidence. They can even work on test-taking strategies to help them move through the exam more quickly and effectively.

What do I do to register my student for Cincinnati ISEE prep?

Our Educational Consultants can talk with you online or over the phone to answer questions, help you pick a service for your student, and guide you through the registration process.

Varsity Tutors can set your student up with effective Cincinnati ISEE preparation options. If you want your student to experience the flexible scheduling, robust instruction, and challenging content of one of these services, contact an Educational Consultant today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Cincinnati ISEE instructor