Award-Winning ISEE Test Prep in Cleveland, OH

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If you're looking for thorough Cleveland ISEE preparation for your student, contact Varsity Tutors to get started. Known as the Independent School Entrance Exam, the ISEE allows private schools to get a feel for a student's potential for success in their courses. Before your student begins filling out applications to their top school choices, they may want to go ahead and knock this test out of the way. While scores aren't the only part of the application, their scores on this exam can play an important role in a school's decision to accept your student's application. You can give your student additional support for their test review efforts. Let's explore your options.

What can my student review in Cleveland ISEE prep?

There are seven versions of the ISEE: Primary 2, Primary 3, Primary 4, Lower, Middle, and Upper. Each becomes more advanced in terms of concepts, time limits, and other factors. There is a lot of information, but let's go over the basics.

The Primary Level ISEE is available to students entering second, third, and fourth grade. There are three sections on these tests: Writing, Math, and Reading. Primary 2 includes a fourth section on Auditory Comprehension, which assesses your student's ability to hear and understand spoken information. The Math and Reading sections measure your student's basic math, reading comprehension, and vocabulary skills. While unscored, the Writing sample allows schools to get an idea of your student's creativity, personality, and writing skills.

The remaining forms of the ISEE are Lower Level, Middle Level, and Upper Level. In all, there are five sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Math Achievement, and Essay. On all levels of the exam, your student's Essay section will present a topic of interest at a level slightly below their current level. Students can use this as an opportunity to showcase their planning, organizational, and writing skills, as well as to tell more about themselves as an individual. Now, let's take a look at each section of these exams.

Verbal Reasoning serves to assess your student's English skills, depending on their grade level. Upper Level students will need to demonstrate high school-level vocabulary knowledge, Greek and Latin roots, and other advanced concepts. The Middle Level exam focuses on a mix of middle and high school-level vocabulary, as well as the ability to discern definitions based on root words. Lower Level students simply need to demonstrate their knowledge of basic vocabulary and sentence completion skills.

The Reading Comprehension section is fairly similar to the Verbal Reasoning, though it focuses more heavily on your student's ability to read and understand written texts. Lower Level tests assess your student's ability to identify main and supporting ideas, as well as tone, organization, and style. The Middle Level ISEE measures your student's skill in comparing information, understanding cause and effect, and inferring information from subtle language. The Upper Level version of the exam expects your student to be able to find and use information from text, as well as use figurative and literal language.

Quantitative Reasoning assesses your student's mathematical thinking skills while the Math Achievement addresses their ability to use mathematical operations. Lower Level test-takers must demonstrate a grasp of basic estimation, number logic, and comparison topics on the first section. The latter, on the other hand, assesses their ability to solve simple operations, work with factions, and make estimations. Upper Level students will face quantitative questions pertaining to equations, range, geometric perimeter and area, and data analysis and inference. The Math Achievement questions are similar; however, they focus on their ability to solve equations and word problems related to these concepts. Finally, the Middle Level's Quantitative Reasoning portion measures their grasp of integers, measurements, distributive properties, and quadrilaterals. The other section asks your student to solve problems involving prime numbers, fractions, Venn Diagrams, and triangles.

How can my student benefit from Cleveland ISEE prep?

There are two main types of Cleveland ISEE prep: private tutoring and group classes. Each option can bring a variety of unique advantages and benefits to your student's test review sessions. While both are convenient and reliable, there are some key differences between each type of test prep. Read on to learn more about each form of ISEE preparation.

Students who prefer structured learning in groups can benefit from signing up for a Cleveland ISEE prep class. New classes start up every week, allowing you to enroll your student up in a session that is convenient for their needs. You can find classes in multiple sections of the test. Simply enroll your student and they can start logging on to participate in expert-led instruction alongside their classmates. Since classes are held via a virtual classroom, your student can interact freely with their peers as if they were in a traditional classroom. They can participate in engaging discussions with their peers, which can help deepen their grasp of the concepts and skills tested on the exam. The teacher can explain different ways to tackle the problems, as well as strategies that can help your student manage their time on the exam.

If your student would rather work independently with a private mentor, we can get them set up with a Cleveland ISEE tutor who can work with them in a way that is ideal for your student's needs. Private tutoring can employ a customized study plan that takes your student's learning personality, interests, strengths, areas of opportunity, and testing goals into account. This study plan is designed to take a distinct approach to your student's test review, allowing their mentor to incorporate teaching techniques that can be more appealing to your student. A personal tutor can assess your student's skills and progress regularly to make adjustments to their study plan. Your student won't have to review topics that they are confident in, allowing them to participate in efficient and effective test prep sessions.

How do I get started with Cleveland ISEE prep?

Thorough test review can give your student the chance to take their test review to a new level. Your student can work under the guidance of an expert who understands how to help students build their academic and test-taking skills. Reinforcing these foundational skills can pay off for your student for years to come. Whether you'd like to sign your student up for a Cleveland ISEE prep course or connect with a tutor, Varsity Tutors can give you a hand. Our educational consultants can help you figure out the ideal test review opportunity for your student.

Contact us today to connect with a top Cleveland ISEE instructor