All Common Core: 4th Grade Math Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Express A Fraction With Denominator 10 As An Equivalent Fraction With Denominator 100: Ccss.Math.Content.4.Nf.C.5
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #2 : Express A Fraction With Denominator 10 As An Equivalent Fraction With Denominator 100: Ccss.Math.Content.4.Nf.C.5
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #83 : How To Multiply Fractions
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #84 : How To Multiply Fractions
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #732 : Common Core Math: Grade 4
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #2 : Understand Decimal Notation For Fractions, And Compare Decimal Fractions
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #4 : Understand Decimal Notation For Fractions, And Compare Decimal Fractions
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #3 : Express A Fraction With Denominator 10 As An Equivalent Fraction With Denominator 100: Ccss.Math.Content.4.Nf.C.5
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #734 : Common Core Math: Grade 4
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
Example Question #10 : Understand Decimal Notation For Fractions, And Compare Decimal Fractions
To find equivalent fractions, we must always multiply the denominator and the numerator by the same number.
, so we need to multiply the numerator by
All Common Core: 4th Grade Math Resources