Cynthia Leitich Smith
Indian Shoes
Jingle Dancer
Rain is Not My Indian Name
Meet the Author
An interview with Cynthia Leitich Smith. Adobe Reader required; 2 pages.
Indian Shoes
by Cynthia Leitich Smith
This teacher guide offers projects addressing multiple intelligences, pre-reading questions, and comprehension questions using Bloom's Taxonomy.
Jingle Dancer
by Cynthia Leitich Smith
This teacher guide offers projects addressing multiple intelligences, pre-reading questions, and comprehension questions using Bloom's Taxonomy.
Exploring Powwow Traditions with with
Jingle Dancer
Before-, during-, and after-reading activities with emphasis on making predictions, sequencing, using figurative language, making inferences, and writing summaries. Includes vocabulary, graphic organizers, activities incorporating math, science. The entire document has 112 pages; lesson plans for this book begin on p. 57. Adobe Reader required. Designed for grade 3.
Jingle Dancer
Password Game
Students practice with vocabulary using a PowerPoint Password Game. Includes directions, timing. Downloadable; requires MS-PowerPoint or compatible application.
Jingle Dancer
Vocabulary and Amazing Words test
One-page printable vocabulary worksheet or test.
Rain is not my Indian Name
A list of projects addressing multiple intelligences.