The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss
Lesson plans and other teaching materials
Anti-Racism Activity: The Sneetches
The simulation exercise included here can help children understand the emotional impact of unfair practices. The follow-up activity on discrimination helps ensure that students understand that the goal is to change those practices, not the characteristics that make us different from one another.
Same or Different?
Students identify whether the two Sneetches are alike or different. Printable, one page, Adobe Reader required.
The Sneetches
Summary and 3 sets of discussion questions based on themes in the story.
The Sneetches Writing Activity
Students write about their favorite picnic or outdoor party. One-page printable; Adobe Reader required.
The Sneetches and Teaching Diversity
At the end of the lesson the student will be able to articulate a beginning knowledge of diversity and stereotype.
This one is for teaching phonograms by using the book The Sneetches
The student will read six phonograms and as a class verbally define each using the print and illustrations in The Sneetches. The student will demonstrate his or her understanding of phonograms by creating additional words with the same rhyme (for instance -all, -ear,-and -art).
Which one is different?
Students identify the Sneetch that's different. Printable, one page, Adobe Reader and color printer required.
You Can Teach a Sneetch!
Summary, reading, discussion, listening, and writing activities.