James Thurber
Lesson plans for "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and other stories

| Biography | | "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" | | Other Thurber stories |


James Thurber
Biography and related links.

Pathfinder: James Grover Thurber
Biography, reviews, links to related sites, even a Thurber quiz.

Thurber House
Biography, quotable quotes, and more.

"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"

Graphic Organizer for Active Reading
This 3-page handout includes a graphic organizer, vocabulary, and editing practice. Access requires Adobe Reader or compatible application.

"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
Vocabulary, guided reading questions, related notes.

Vocabulary from "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
Words are presented in context and with definitions. Click on a word for pronunciation, examples of recent use, more.

Other Thurber stories

"A Box to Hide In"
Introduction and text of the story, available in both PDF and Google Docs formats.

"The Day the Dam Broke" and Other Stories
Using Thurber stories as models, students will write humorous stories about their own families or friends. They will learn about the elements of humor writing, as well as plot, setting, character development, and parody. They will also have opportunities to write and illustrate their own stories and fables, mirroring Thurber’s style. This 12-page document requires Adobe Reader for access.

"The Lady on the Bookcase"
Introduction and text of the essay, available in both PDF and Google Docs formats.

"The Little Girl and the Wolf"
Text of the story.

"The Thirteen Clocks"
Practice with sequencing, identifying themes, character mapping, figurative language, vocabulary, more. Note: sponsored link.

"You Could Look it Up"
Introduction and text of the story. Available in both PDF and Google Docs versions.