Wendell Berry
Lesson plans and teaching resources

| Biography, Background, Criticism | | Writing and Lesson Plans |

Biography, Background, Criticism

Kentucky’s Red River Gorge in Wendell Berry's The Unforeseen Wilderness
Wendell Berry wrote about this part of Kentucky with such power that he helped stop construction of an unpopular dam. What does the Red River Gorge look like? Photograph and Google map.

Wendell Berry

Wendell Berry
Critical commentary and links to 16 poems.

The Thing (or Things) About Wendell Berry
An interview with the poet. This article emphasizes Berry's philosphy about family farms.

Wendell Berry on Place
Biography and an introduction to Berry's writing.

Writing and Lesson Plans

"Before Dark"
Text of the poem.

"The Contrariness of the Mad Farmer"
The poet reads his poem in this video (3:06).

"The Peace of Wild Things"
The poet reads his poem in this video (1:01).

"The Peace of Wild Things"
Text of the poem.

Text of the poem. Follow the link to hear Garrison Keillor's reading.

"The Want of Peace"
Text of the poem. Follow the link to hear Garrison Keillor's reading.

Text of the poem. Follow the link to hear Garrison Keillor's reading.

Text of the poem. Follow the link to hear Garrison Keillor's reading.