CLEP Precalculus Practice Problems

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2 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards

Ever wish you could test out of certain lower-level college courses which deal with material with which you’re already extremely familiar? CLEP exams let you do just that, so if you’re a Precalculus expert who could use a few more credits, the CLEP Precalculus exam may be an opportunity well-suited to your talents.

The CLEP Precalculus exam is composed of about 48 questions total, which are organized into two sections, and you’re given an hour and a half in total in which to answer all of them. The 25 or so questions on the first part of the exam allow you to use an online graphing calculator to solve them. You’re given 50 minutes to solve these questions. After this, you answer the remaining 23 or so questions on the exam in the second part, which does not allow calculators to be used. The remaining forty minutes of exam time are allotted to these problems. Most CLEP Precalculus questions are given in multiple-choice format, but some of them may ask you to input your answer instead of presenting answer choices.

So, what’s tested on the CLEP Precalculus exam, exactly? You can expect to encounter mathematical concepts focused on equations, inequalities, functions, and graphs, as well as basic trigonometry, limits, and series. Do these concepts sound familiar, but have you not had to solve a two-variable equation in a while, or shift the graph of a parabola by making changes to its equation? Varsity Tutors’ free CLEP Precalculus Practice Tests can help you brush up on these concepts as well as many others. Consisting of about twelve problems each, each CLEP Precalculus Practice Test draws its problems from a variety of topics tested on the CLEP Precalculus exam. Each question comes with a complete explanation, so if you miss one, you can figure out how not to miss it in the future. Also, if you identify a certain area on which you need to focus your attention, Practice Test problems are also organized by concept, allowing you to study in whichever way works best for you. With Varsity Tutors’ free CLEP Precalculus Practice Tests and other Learning Tools at your disposal, there’s nothing stopping you from efficiently and comprehensively preparing for your CLEP exam!


Free CLEP Precalculus Practice Tests

Our completely free CLEP Precalculus practice tests are the perfect way to brush up your skills. Take one of our many CLEP Precalculus practice tests for a run-through of commonly asked questions. You will receive incredibly detailed scoring results at the end of your CLEP Precalculus practice test to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Pick one of our CLEP Precalculus practice tests now and begin!

Practice Quizzes

CLEP Precalculus Problem Set 1

Questions: 10
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 43 mins

CLEP Precalculus Problem Set 2

Questions: 10
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 hrs 20 mins

All CLEP Precalculus Resources

2 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards
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