Award-Winning French Tutors serving Sacramento, CA

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My son was failing Algebra on all levels. He began working with one of the VT 1-on-1 tutors a month ago. He now has an overall grade of 91%!

— Shawna

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Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

— Joey T

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We've had the BEST experience with VT! Our tutor has helped my middle schoolers math grades come up from a D to an A for our 8th grader and from a D to a B for my 6th grader. I'm beyond pleased with how she connected with my boys.

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Private French Tutoring in Sacramento, CA

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best French tutors in Sacramento, CA work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored French lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Sacramento French Tutoring FAQ

If you're in Sacramento and in need of assistance in sharpening your French comprehension and speaking skills, Varsity Tutors can connect you with an excellent Sacramento French tutor. Whether you're looking for help for your school student, studying yourself at California State University - Sacramento or the University of California, a business owner seeking to widen your reach, or a jet setter looking to travel to Paris, improving your command of the French language by working with a private instructor can be a smart investment.

What are the advantages of seeking out a Sacramento French tutor near me?

There are a number of benefits of learning with a Sacramento French tutor, including the ability to get instruction and clarification from an expert on what is a very complicated Romance language. For those unfamiliar with Romance languages, certain facets of French may seem confusing. For instance, all nouns are preceded by gendered articles. While there are general rules dictating which nouns are feminine or masculine based on suffixes, they are not necessarily intuitive, come with exceptions, and require extensive study. Likewise, the conjugation of verbs follows rules according to pluralities and gender with set rules among most of those ending in -er, -ir, and -re. In fairness, though there are a litany of conjugations to learn across the tenses of passé composé, futur composé, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, and passé récent, at least with most of these verbs the rules are predictable after you've learned the patterns. Once you get to irregular verbs, things get a little more difficult, but learning all of this is attainable.

This is where having access to an expert like a Sacramento French tutor comes in handy. They know the language like the back of their hand. They can explain the rules until you understand them, presenting them in different ways until they make sense. They can work through conjugation examples with you until you feel ready to move on. They can help you understand accents, their functions, and never let you slide on their placement, knowing full well that your teacher won't either. They can quiz you on vocabulary to sharpen your memory retention and prepare you for what is arguably the hardest part of learning a language: verbalization.

Verbal instruction is another benefit of working with Sacramento French tutors. As any language student will tell you, you haven't really learned a language until you're able to understand it when it's spoken aloud and respond in turn. This is no small task, as conversational language rarely bears a close resemblance to the language presented in a textbook. Just as is the case with any other language, conversational French features colloquialisms, slang, and regional dialects. It also takes place at a much faster pace than what an instructor might use at the front of a traditional classroom. In working with a Sacramento French Tutor, you have the opportunity to acclimate to these nuances. Using video chat on the Live Learning Platform, your online tutor can walk you through conversations, correcting missteps in real-time so bad habits don't set in and your accent is more true to life. This sort of training can better prepare your student for oral exams and higher-level French courses. It can also prepare business people for big presentations and travelers for interactions in foreign countries.

Part of the reason private instruction can be beneficial is that Sacramento French tutors are thoroughly vetted. They go through rigorous interviews to ensure they are knowledgeable and highly qualified. They aren't just tested on their language abilities but their communication skills to make sure they have the ability to convey what they to know their students. This helps make your time together more effective.

Sacramento French tutoring is also beneficial because it can be customized to the learning preferences of the student. Research has shown that everyone has their preferred method of instruction and that, when it is catered to, students tend to better engage with the material and retain more information. For instance, some students are more active learners, preferring to take what they've learned and put it into practice. By trying it out, they essentially absorb the information and are able to reapply it through a sort of muscle memory. Others are reflective learners and like to think about information, understanding it in context before applying it. In the context of language instruction and working with Sacramento French tutors, this might mean that the active learner is taught how to conjugate -er verbs and practices by conjugating a series of -er verbs to practice, while the reflective learner is taught the differences in how to conjugate -er, -ir, and -re verbs and practices on a few examples of each to understand those differences. These sorts of customized learning plans are harder to come by in conventional classrooms where teachers may not be able to offer one-on-one attention.

Sacramento French tutoring can be tailored to individual pacing needs, too. In a traditional classroom, a teacher cannot afford to slow down or speed up just because one student is bored or struggling. They are constrained by the length of the school year and the curriculum they have to cover in the limited amount of time they have. Sacramento French tutors can do just that. If -er verbs are a breeze, there's no need to spend additional time on it just because it was part of the original plan, but if it turns out it's more challenging than you'd initially thought it would be, your instructor can build more time for it into the lesson plan. These sessions are about you and your success.

How can I find a Sacramento French tutor near me?

Sacramento French tutoring can easily be found with Varsity Tutors. Online tutoring with the Live Learning Platform featuring video chat, document sharing, a virtual whiteboard, and more, or even local in-person tutoring, is just a phone call away. If you'd like to supplement these efforts with an online class with similarly motivated students, our educational consultants would be happy to provide additional information. Why wait? Contact Varsity Tutors today to get the ball rolling!

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Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent Sacramento French Tutoring Session Notes

French Tutoring review by Carolyn in Sacramento, CA
Today we went over the material that the student studied for homework. He wrote a travel itinerary for a fictional trip to Hawaii with his family. He used many of the phrases from the text, and was able to use the aller + infinitive structure throughout. I gave the student a quiz on the current group of verbs that he studied for homework, and he made corrections accordingly. We practiced pronunciation and also completed an in-depth lesson regarding the use of passe compose vs. imparfait. The student thoroughly understands this concept that will be a major part of his upcoming year studying French. We completed a very difficult online activity testing his ability to apply the two tenses, and the student got every question correct! For homework, the student is going to write about a previous time in his life, using the imparfait and the passe compose. He is also going to study his newest group of verbs.
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French Tutoring review by Chantal in Sacramento, CA
The student began the session with grammatical review, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The second part of the session was his reading out loud, pronunciation and expressions. We also spent some time on direct and indirect object pronouns, their usage and what differentiates them. We reviewed chapter six and some of chapter seven. We also reviewed the student's journal. It is going well and his thought process is going along very well. Great progress.
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French Tutoring review by Catherine in Sacramento, CA
The session began with the student and I looking at the sentences that she had written over the weekend to practice the prepositions we'd discussed. The rest of session consisted of going over the second third of the list of prepositions I had prepared.
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French Tutoring review by Benjamin in Sacramento, CA
Today was our second big day covering the irregular verbs. We surveyed three different families of verbs, and their various conjugations. While we spent most of our time on this, we spent some time discussing the quiz I gave the student on regular verbs up to this point.
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French Tutoring review by Alice in Sacramento, CA
Today we worked on simple verbs in the present tense (-er and -ir verbs). Then we read the book and identified different grammatical components of each sentence; we especially worked on hard-to-understand sentences . I had the student conjugate some -er verbs we encountered in the excerpt we read. The student's pronunciation is improving, she self-corrects and really wants to learn.
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French Tutoring review by Lara in Sacramento, CA
Student has a test Wednesday so we reviewed: Numbers, times, family, common objects, faire, aller, asking questions (inversions and question words), -/+ responses (J'ai UN frere / Je n'ai pas DE frere), etre/avoir states (avoir froid, etre fatigue), expressions for the class. He is fast with "je" and "tu," which is what gets practiced most in class. Homework is to study common verbs for class. He is stellar on weather/months/days/times/avoir/etre/family members.
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