GRE Verbal : Two Nouns in Two-Blank Texts

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

The priest's __________ was widely condemned by the more traditional __________.

Possible Answers:

laxity . . . archetypes

debility . . . braggarts

brevity . . . sluggards

heresy . . . prelates

orthodoxy . . . paragons

Correct answer:

heresy . . . prelates


The fact the subject is a "priest" is a good clue that the correct answers will relate in some way to religious offices and structures. "Heresy," an opinion against orthodoxy, and "prelates," religious authorities, fit the sentence best.

Example Question #2 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Although a dictator, many people saw his rule as a welcome __________ from the __________ of the country's civil wars.

Possible Answers:

restorative . . . lucidity

discordance . . . chaos

alibi . . . harmony

egress . . . euphony

respite . . . anarchy

Correct answer:

respite . . . anarchy


The country has been suffering form civil wars that the "dictator" ended. This means "his rule" was a break, or "respite," from the lack of government authority, or "anarchy," of "the country's civil wars."

Example Question #3 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Not at all a(an) __________, the prolific cockroach is a(an) __________ to bug phobics worldwide.

Possible Answers:

normality . . . anathema

standard . . . yearning

anomaly . . . anathema

normality . . . infatuation

anomaly . . . infatuation

Correct answer:

anomaly . . . anathema


Anomaly—something that is abnormal or incongruous

Anathema—a loathed or detested thing

Cockroaches are prolific around the world and a person who is afraid of bugs would not want them around.

Example Question #4 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Becoming a professional classical pianist requires not only superior manual __________ but also an extreme level of musical __________ in interpreting the note phrases in each piece.

Possible Answers:

probity . . . churlishness

vigor . . . hardiness

dexterity . . . virtuosity

dispatch . . . epistemology

fluidity . . . effrontery

Correct answer:

dexterity . . . virtuosity


This sentence describes the prerequisites of being a classical pianist, making reference to something having to do with the musician's hands, and something to do with his or her approach to music. Of the five options, "probity" means honesty or fairness and is not used to describe hands. "Dispatch" means speed, but in the sense of traveling speed ("moving with great dispatch"), not in the sense of playing quickly.

"Vigor" means energy or liveliness and might work, but it is not used in conjunction with the word "manual," as it usually refers to the whole of the body and not a part.  

That leaves "dexterity" and "fluidity" as the two possible traits of a pianist's hands, both of which are possible. But "effrontery" is impudence, impertinence, or rudeness, none of which seem likely to describe how a musician interprets music, while "virtuosity" means have a high level of artistry or accomplishment; therefore "dexterity . . . virtuosity" is the correct answer. 

Example Question #5 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

The manager's __________ the waitresses in his restaurant was so pronounced that one customer accused him of being a(n) __________

Possible Answers:

antipathy toward . . . misogynist

support of . . . suffragist

castigation of . . . iconoclast

aggrandizement of . . . tyro

deference to . . . philanthropist

Correct answer:

antipathy toward . . . misogynist


We know that the words we're after will have negative connotations, since the customer "accuses" the manager of being something. Knowing this, we can eliminate the answer choices that include "support of," aggrandizement of," and "defference to."

We're then left with "castigation of" and "antipathy toward" as options for the first blank, and "iconoclast" and "misogynist" for the second. "Iconoclast" means a person who criticizes traditions and/or traditional beliefs, so it doesn't fit in the sentence, while "misogynist" (hater of women) works perfectly, since the manager specifically does not like the female waitstaff in his restaurant. The correct answer is thus "antipathy toward . . . misogynist."

Example Question #6 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Antoine's gradual decision to embrace __________ seemed natural and inoffensive to him, but he became a __________ in his devoutly religious family.  

Possible Answers:

philosophy . . . intellectual

fundamentalism . . . star

monogamy . . . oddity

atheism . . . pariah


quiescence . . . devotee

Correct answer:

atheism . . . pariah


Antoine "embraced" something that he thought was harmless and inoffensive. The word "but" implies that the other people in the sentence, his family, did not agree. The description of the family as devoutly religious implies that this characteristic was central to their reason for not agreeing with Antoine and they regarded him negatively for doing this; therefore, the first word must be something that a devoutly religious family would be bothered by, and the second word must be a noun with a negative connotation. 

Looking at the first word possibilities, the only ones that might fit are "atheism" and "philosophy," both pursuits that might cause issues with a devoutly religious family. Fundamentalism and monogamy are traits that would likely be regarded positively, and quiescence just means to be quiet or still—something very neutral that would be unlikely to cause much of a reaction from a religious family one way or another. Looking at the second word, we have the choice of "pariah," or outcast, and "intellectual," or thinker. Embracing philosophy might cause one to become a thinker, and a devoutly religious family might be suspicious of that, but there isn't really a strong enough connotation of negativity with "intellectual." "Pariah," on the other hand, indicates that Antoine's family essentially rejected him, and since atheism is a lack of belief in God, it fits that a devout family would reject a member who "embraced" this.  

Example Question #7 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted into the sentence, best completes the sentence.

Little did the populace know, when they overthrew the brutal dictator and ushered in the __________, that their eventual new leader would be little more than a charismatic __________ who ultimately proved a small improvement over the old regime. 

Possible Answers:

encomium . . . augur

interregnum . . . demagogue

intermission . . . statesman

ellipsis . . . haberdasher

libertine . . . raconteur

Correct answer:

interregnum . . . demagogue


An "interregnum" is a period between reigns or governments, while a "demogogue" is a person who achieves power through appeals to the mob. Most of the other choices are nonsensical in this sentence. "Intermission . . . statesman" might vaguely fit, but a statesman is generally regarded as a good leader, or at worst a neutral one, and an intermission is a break in time between performances or games, not governments. 

Example Question #7 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

After many years of living as a __________, Henry decided to find a fixed _________ and cease his years of wandering. 

Possible Answers:

contractor . . . gradation

raconteur . . . citizenship

vagabond . . . habitation

carnie . . . location

tourist . . . apartment

Correct answer:

vagabond . . . habitation


From the context of the sentence, we can tell that Harry was living as a wandering person. While tourisim could (in a broad sense) be considered "wandering about" to see things, this is really a far stretch. The word "vagabond," however, literally does mean "a person who wanders around," often having no means of employment. This would well describe Harry's state. After these years of wandering, he wants to find somewhere to "settle down." That is, he wants to find a "homeplace" (of sorts, at least). The word "habitation" means a living place, often implying fixity or stability.

Example Question #1 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Sentences

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Whether alone in their houses or gathered in a great __________, the citizens of the state had very little knowledge about the details pertaining to the overwhelming __________ of global politics, with its many actors and numerous concerns.

Possible Answers:

polity . . . discussions

legislature . . . corruption

vanguard . . . meetings

multitude . . . complexity

quorum . . . dealings

Correct answer:

multitude . . . complexity


The first blank is best known by the implied contrast with "alone." In contrast to being alone, one can be gathered in a group. A "multitude" is a large number of people or things together. It is clearly related to "multiply" and "multiple." All of these words come from the Latin meaning "many." The answer for the second blank is best figured out by looking to the subordinate clause beginning "with its many." This clause describes global politics as having many actors (that is, people doing things) and numerous concerns. The implication is that it is "complex."

Example Question #8 : Parts Of Speech In Two Blank Texts

Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.

Unfortunately, most people judge others based on __________; few look beyond external __________ when choosing friends.

Possible Answers:

opinions . . . facts

feelings . . . emotions

appearances . . . features

integrity . . . character

qualities . . . abilities

Correct answer:

appearances . . . features


Your clue words here are "unfortunately" and "external." "External" means located or seen on the outside or surface of something. You are looking for two synonyms which primarily have to do with externality. So, the answer choice that makes the most sense in the sentence's context is "appearances . . . features." The other words all deal with more internal traits.

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