Award-Winning USMLE Courses & Classes in Miami, FL

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If you're searching for a comprehensive Miami USMLE prep course, Varsity Tutors offers one of the best products available. The USMLE, or the United States Medical Licensing Exam, is a series of three high-stakes assessments required by most American medical licensing authorities as part of the procedure to obtain licensure. The first test, called Step 1, assesses a candidate's foundational knowledge and is generally taken following a student's second year of med school. Step 2 assesses a candidate's clinical skills and is usually taken during a test-taker's fourth year of med school. Step 3 assesses a candidate's medical knowledge and understanding in order to determine if they are ready to practice medicine professionally.

The USMLE is cumulative, so anything you have studied at a local medical school such as Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine or University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine could appear on a test. If the sheer volume of material you need to study has you floundering, taking a Miami USMLE class can be a great way to get expert assistance with your test prep. Keep reading to learn more about how we might be able to help you.

What can I review in a Miami USMLE course?

The material you go over depends on which Step of the USMLE you're taking. If you're studying for Step 1, your instructor can review how basic bodily systems operate. Many students also look for assistance with the formatting of the test. Step 1 consists of seven 60-minute time blocks, each of which has a number of multiple-choice items. You can't transfer time from one block to another, so your instructor can teach you time management strategies to help you finish. You can also review concentration techniques to help you maintain your concentration for seven hours of total testing time.

Step 2 has two parts: Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills. The Clinical Knowledge exam uses a comparable format to Step 1, except that it's eight hours long. Clinical Skills is more of a practical assessment evaluating how well you communicate with patients, render a diagnosis, and share your conclusions with colleagues. If social skills aren't your forte, you can role-play several scenarios with your instructor and fellow students to help you feel more comfortable on the actual exam.

Step 3 is a huge exam administered over two days. On day one, you have six hours worth of multiple-choice questions about medical specializations such as neurology and pediatrics to answer. On day two, you have a blend of multiple-choice items and computer-based case simulations to contend with. The simulations are incredibly realistic, so you might go over a few practice questions during your Miami USMLE class so you're not going into the test cold.

What are some of the benefits of taking a Miami USMLE course?

Varsity Tutors thoroughly vets every instructor before we start referring students to them, so you can count on receiving accurate information in your class. Each class session also takes place on our proprietary Live Learning Platform, an online classroom that allows you to see and hear everyone in your class as if you were in the same room. Why go through the hassle of commuting someplace when you can attend your class on your favorite mobile device?

You can also interact with your peers on our Live Learning Platform. Hearing alternate perspectives on topics such as the role of the social sciences in health care can help challenging concepts sink in. Similarly, you can assist your peers with any concepts they're struggling with, reinforcing your own knowledge base in the process.

Studying in a group also provides superior value for your money, as you get all of the benefits of an expert instructor for a fraction of the typical cost. If you ever feel as though you could benefit from individualized instruction, you can also request one-on-one time with your instructor on an as-needed basis.

Most importantly, we try to make classes as easy to attend as we can. For example, we offer multiple classes concurrently to help even the busiest students find a fit for their schedule. New classes also start up monthly, so you never need to wait too long to get started.

Can I enroll in a Miami USMLE course today?

Of course. Simply use the contact info on this page to reach out to an expert educational consultant who can answer any questions you have about our enrollment process. We're proud of our Miami USMLE class offerings at Varsity Tutors, and we look forward to sharing them with you!

Contact us today to connect with a top Miami USMLE instructor