Award-Winning PRAXIS Courses & Classes in Sacramento, CA

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If you are looking for a Praxis prep course that lets you study in the comfort of your home, Varsity Tutors' Sacramento Praxis course is just the right one for you. You can finish the course entirely online, which means it's a convenient and cost-effective way for you to prepare for the test. Whether you're aiming for a teaching position at the University of California - Davis or studied education at California State University - Sacramento and need to take Praxis as part of a certification process, our Sacramento Praxis prep course can help you have a convenient and effective test prep experience that can give you the confidence you need to feel ready on exam day.

What are some of the topics a Sacramento Praxis class can cover?

The Praxis is a series of exams that assess subject-specific knowledge and competencies of individuals who want to have a career in teaching. It's just one of the certification tests an aspiring teacher might be asked to take and it is used by over 40 states as one of the indicators whether a candidate is eligible for certification. Praxis tests may also be required before, during, or after a teaching preparation course.

There are three main types of assessments under Praxis: Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core), Praxis Subject Assessments, and Praxis Content Knowledge for Teaching Assessments (CKT). The Core assessment measures the competencies of individuals who will undergo teacher preparation programs. It has a reading, math, and writing test. The Praxis Subject Assessments are for aspiring K-12 educators. There are two groups of tests: Subject Assessments, which measure general and subject-specific teaching skills and knowledge, and Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) Tests, which measure general pedagogical knowledge at one of four grade-level ranges: Early Childhood, K-6, 5-9 and 7-12. The CKT focuses on specialized content knowledge used in elementary school teaching. Subjects included in the test are social studies, mathematics, science, and reading and language arts.

Beyond giving a comprehensive review of the exam content, your Sacramento Praxis class instructor can also help you learn techniques on how to become more efficient in answering different question types in Praxis. You can also pick up on new study habits that may improve the quality of your review and help you perform at our best in the exam.

What are the advantages of enrolling in a Sacramento Praxis course?

The course has several advantages that can positively impact your test prep experience. It's taught online, so you don't need to go to a review center or worry about commuting to a faraway location. You can choose to set up your study area where it is most comfortable for you - it can be your kitchen, bedroom, or a nearby café. All you need is an internet connection so you can log into our virtual classroom and join the review class.

Since the class is online, we're able to offer more class sections within the day. You can enroll in a morning course before you start your errands, or you can study in the evening if your daytime schedule is usually very busy. Is your availability in the afternoon or weekends only? We also have courses in the middle of the day and on the weekends, so you can easily find a class that fits your schedule.

Wondering how you can ask your instructor questions? Another advantage of the online class is that it's taught live using video chat and an online whiteboard. You can get immediate feedback from your instructor just like in a regular classroom. There may also be opportunities for you to learn from the perspectives of other aspiring teachers in class since they will also be there joining the discussion. And if you ever need extra help understanding concepts about student curriculum development, how to best approach selected-response questions in the Praxis test, or any other topic, you can reserve one-on-one time with your instructor so you can address your difficulties faster.

How can I enroll in a Sacramento Praxis course?

If you want more information about our Sacramento Praxis course, contact our educational consultants at Varsity Tutors now and we can provide you the details you need such as what the course covers, what class times are currently available, and how you can enroll as soon as possible in your preferred class. With the help of an experienced instructor, a collaborative online learning environment, and a comprehensive curriculum, we can help you get the expert support you need to make your Praxis test prep even more efficient and effective.

Contact us today to connect with a top Sacramento PRAXIS instructor