All 1st Grade Science Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : 1st Grade Science
Select the item that is non-living.
The world is made up of both living and non-living things.
Living things are things that are alive. Living things eat so that they can grow and develop. Non-living things have never been alive, they are just objects.
A butterfly, grass, and a cat are all living things. They grow and develop over time. However, a car is an object that does not grow or develop. It is an objects, which means it is non-living.
Example Question #2 : 1st Grade Science
Select the item that is non-living.
The world is made up of both living and non-living things.
Living things are things that are alive. Living things eat so that they can grow and develop. Non-living things have never been alive, they are just objects.
A bird, plant, and worm are all living things. They grow and develop over time. However, a swing is an object that does not grow or develop. It is an objects, which means it is non-living.
Example Question #3 : 1st Grade Science
Select the answer choice that is living.
The world is made up of both living and non-living things.
Living things are things that are alive. Living things eat so that they can grow and develop. Non-living things have never been alive, they are just objects.
A car, kite, and string are not alive. They do not grow or develop. However, grass grows and develops, which means it is living.
Example Question #4 : 1st Grade Science
Select the answer choice that is living.
The world is made up of both living and non-living things.
Living things are things that are alive. Living things eat so that they can grow and develop. Non-living things have never been alive, they are just objects.
A TV, fork, and table are not alive. They do not grow or develop. However, fish grows and develops, which means it is living.
Example Question #1 : Solve A Human Problem Mimicking How Plants Survive
Plants survive by using their _________ to absorb water. We use a __________ to drink water.
roots; straw
stem; bones
leaves; arms
roots; straw
Plants use their roots to absorb water from the ground to help them survive. Humans also need water to survive and a way we mimic (or copy) the way a plant solves this problem is by using a straw. We use a straw to drink water to help us live.
Example Question #2 : Solve A Human Problem Mimicking How Plants Survive
The leaves of a water lily float on top of the water because they have a flat bottom. How can we mimic (or copy) plants to float on water?
Use a raft
Use our leaves
Humans cannot float
Use a raft
Humans can copy water lilies and use a raft to float on the surface of the water. The leaves of a water lily float on the surface of the water with their flat bottoms so they can absorb sunlight. We can also float on top of the water but we do not have leaves like plants do.
Example Question #3 : Solve A Human Problem Mimicking How Plants Survive
What external structures do plants have that help them survive?
Feet, stems, arms, and flowers.
Roots, stems, leaves, and flowers.
Roots, bones, hands, and flowers.
Roots, stems, leaves, and flowers.
Plants have external structures used for survival. Roots are used to absorb water, the stem keeps a plant upright, leaves are used to absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide to make food, and the flowers are used for pollination.
Example Question #1 : Plant And Animal Survival
What is a human problem that can be solved by copying how plants survive?
Bicycle helmets are pretty just like flowers.
Bicycle helmets are worn on top of the head just like plants grow above the ground.
Bicycle helmets are hard just like the shell of an acorn.
Bicycle helmets are hard just like the shell of an acorn.
One human problem that can be solved by mimicking (copying) plants is how we protect our heads on a bicycle. The shells of nuts like the acorn are hard and protect what is inside. Helmets are made to be hard and shaped like our heads to protect us if we fall.
Example Question #4 : Solve A Human Problem Mimicking How Plants Survive
The thorns on a rose bush help keep predators away. Humans _______ plants and use barbed wire to keep predators away from livestock.
Humans often mimic plants to solve problems in their everyday life. Livestock such as goats or pigs are prey animals and can be eaten if not protected. The thorns on a rose bush will poke or cut something trying to eat it or climb up it. Barbed wire fences will cut or stick something that tries to climb in or out of the pasture.
Example Question #5 : Solve A Human Problem Mimicking How Plants Survive
What does it mean to mimic someone or something?
To fight
To copy
To be friendly
To copy
To mimic someone or something means to copy or act the same as. Little brothers and sisters like to mimic or copy older siblings to annoy them! Humans also mimic plants and animals to solve problems.
All 1st Grade Science Resources