3rd Grade Science : Why Animals Form Groups

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Example Question #1 : Why Animals Form Groups

Why do animals form groups?

Possible Answers:

To help them survive

To do as they are told

They enjoy having friends

They do not form groups

Correct answer:

To help them survive


Animals form groups to increase their chance of survival. The animals work together to hunt, raise their young, protect each other, and more. Survival would be much more difficult if some animals lived on their own rather than in a group.

Example Question #1 : Why Animals Form Groups

Meerkats live in large families. Some are look-outs while others care for the young. Other meerkats are in charge of digging tunnels, and some are hunters. The meerkats will trade jobs and take turns.

Meerkat, Herd, Meerkats, Group, Rodents

Why does living in this large family benefit the meerkats?

Possible Answers:

The meerkats don't have to do as much work, so they get to be lazier.

There is no benefit to meerkats living in family groups; they just do it out of habit.

The meerkats like having company around and other animals to play with.

There are more members to split up the work and help with survival needs.

Correct answer:

There are more members to split up the work and help with survival needs.


Living in a large family benefits the meerkats because they can split up the work and have members of the family working together to keep the family safe and healthy. Rather than all of the work falling on a few animals, it can be split up amongst dozens. Living in large groups like this help with protection, food collection, and general survival.

Example Question #2 : Why Animals Form Groups

Elephants live in large herds. When traveling, they keep the babies in the middle of the line or center of the group.

Elephant, Serengeti, National Park

How do these large groups help babies survive?

Possible Answers:

The group keeps the babies from seeing the scenery.

The group allows babies to drink more water.

These groups do not help babies survive.

These groups protect babies from predators.

Correct answer:

These groups protect babies from predators.


Large herds of elephants can be seen moving across the plains of Africa with their babies in the middle of the group's lines as they travel. If predators attack them, the babies are usually targets because they are smaller and weaker. If the female elephants keep them hidden and guarded, they are protected. This technique is to help babies survive.

Example Question #1 : Why Animals Form Groups

Fish are one of many animals who form groups for survival. They will form "bait balls" with hundreds (even thousands) of fish to scare away predators and make it more difficult for predators to catch them.

School, Fish, Underwater, Tropical

Fish form these groups to help them _____________.

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Fish form these "bait balls" to distract their predators and make it more difficult for them to be eaten. This technique is all about survival. Forming groups makes each fish safer than if they were swimming alone.

Example Question #5 : Life Science

How do groups help animals to survive?

Possible Answers:

It helps them to feel less lonely, have more fun, and play together

It does not help them to survive; it makes their lives worse

It helps them to find food, care for young, and protect one another

It allows them to look cooler like they have more friends

Correct answer:

It helps them to find food, care for young, and protect one another


Living in groups provides animals with many benefits. A large group of animals is less likely to be bothered by predators, there are more females to care for and protect the young, and more members to look for food sources. Working together provides them with more opportunities for survival than living alone does.

Example Question #3 : Why Animals Form Groups

Which answer choice(s) is a benefit of animals forming groups?

Possible Answers:

Animals can assist each other with jobs and tasks when in a group.

All of the answer choices are correct.

Animals help each other raise the babies in the group.

Animals can help to protect each other when in groups.

Correct answer:

All of the answer choices are correct.


All of the answer choices list a benefit to animals forming groups. When animals form groups for survival, they can help each other raise the young, hunt, keep watch, gather food, find shelter, and survive. Animals in groups have more eyes looking for predators or prey. They also have less work to do individually because they can share the workload. Animals in groups often survive better than if they lived alone.

Example Question #1 : Why Animals Form Groups

Monkeys live in family groups that can grow quite large in numbers. If monkeys lived alone, there are some tasks they could not complete. Based on the photo below, what is a task that requires a group to help with?

Berber Monkeys, Ape, Delouse, India

Possible Answers:


None of the answer choices require a group.



Correct answer:



Monkeys are very social and live in large groups with extended family. Monkeys help each other groom and use it as a chance to spend time with each other. Without a group to help the monkeys could not groom themselves properly. They rely on each other for help with their survival needs.

Example Question #1 : Why Animals Form Groups

Living in large groups puts animals at risk and makes them less likely to survive.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



Living in groups provides animals with many benefits. A large group of animals is less likely to be bothered by predators, there are more females to care for and protect the young, and more members to look for food sources. Working together provides them with more opportunities for survival than living alone does. Animals often fare better when living together than those outcasted to living alone.

Example Question #2 : Why Animals Form Groups

Fish are one of many animals who form groups for survival. They will form "bait balls" with hundreds (even thousands) of fish to scare away predators and make it more difficult for predators to catch them.

School, Fish, Underwater, Tropical

Why would it be better for a fish to join the "bait ball" rather than swim alone?

Possible Answers:

Fish prefer to be in groups because it prevents them from being lonely and sad.

A fish can swim faster and longer when it is in a group compared to being on their own.

There is no reason for a fish to join a "bait ball" instead of swimming alone.

A single fish would stand out and be easier to catch than a fish mixed in with thousands of others.

Correct answer:

A single fish would stand out and be easier to catch than a fish mixed in with thousands of others.


Fish form these "bait balls" to distract their predators and make it more difficult for them to be eaten. This technique is all about survival. Forming groups makes each fish safer than if they were swimming alone. If a fish is swimming alone, it stands out and is more likely to be chased and eaten. When the fish are in a group, their chances of being singled out and eaten are decreased, and many times the large gathering of fish scares the predators off completely.

Example Question #21 : 3rd Grade Science

Meerkats live in large families. Some are look-outs while others care for the young. Other meerkats are in charge of digging tunnels, and some are hunters. The meerkats will trade jobs and take turns.

Meerkat, Herd, Meerkats, Group, Rodents

What could happen to the meerkats if they started living alone instead of in groups?

Possible Answers:

They could become very mean.

They could die without the group to help them.

They could do all of the different jobs by themselves.

They could get lonely and find new friends.

Correct answer:

They could die without the group to help them.


Living in a large family benefits the meerkats because they can split up the work and have members of the family working together to keep the family safe and healthy. Rather than all of the work falling on a few animals, it can be split up amongst dozens. Living in large groups like this help with protection, food collection, and general survival. If the meerkats were forced to live alone rather than in family groups, they might die. If they are busy gathering food or digging tunnels, they may not see predators. It would be hard for a meerkat to do all of the jobs by itself.

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