ACT Math : How to find decimal equivalent to a percentage

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Decimals And Percentage

Students at a country fair typically spend $40.  The students have agreed to spend 40% less at this year's fair.  Assuming all the students follow their new agreement, what is the most that could be spent by a student at this year's fair?

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Correct answer:



This is a percentage problem, so it is important to know that 40% of some value is equal to 0.4 of said value.  So to find 40% of $40, we multiply 40 * 0.40, which equals 16.  This 16 represents 40% of the original value of $40. So if a student was to spend 40% less than they usually spend, we would subtract $16, which is 40% of the original value, from $40, giving us an answer of $24.  

Example Question #1 : Decimals And Percentage

There are n pennies in a jar. Let p represent the decimal ratio of the pennies that are dated before 1983. Which of the following equations repesents the number of pennies that are dated 1983 or later?

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Correct answer:



The proportion of pennies before 1983 would be np. Therefore, the pennies dated 1983 or later would be n(1-p).

Example Question #2 : Decimals And Percentage

Express the following as a decimal:

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Correct answer:


To convert a percentage to a decimal, you must add a decimal two points to the left from the right hand side. Thus,

Example Question #3 : Decimals And Percentage

Which of the following is equivalent to  ?

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Correct answer:


To find a decimal from a percentage, divide the percentage value by . In this case, convert the fraction to a decimal first:

Example Question #5 : How To Find Decimal Equivalent To A Percentage

 share in a stock is added to a  share by speculators. What is the decimal equivalent of the combined shares?

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Correct answer:


To convert from a percentage to a decimal, divide the decimal by . In this case, we can add the percentages first.

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