Ancient History: Egypt : First Intermediate Period (2181-2055 BCE)

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

Heracleopolis is notable for __________.

Possible Answers:

leading a failed rebellion against the authority of Ramasses II

serving as the holy city of Egypt throughout the Middle and New Kingdoms

serving as the capital of unified Egypt during the Old Kingdom

leading a failed rebellion against the authority of King Menes

serving as the capital of Lower Egypt during the First Intermediate Period

Correct answer:

serving as the capital of Lower Egypt during the First Intermediate Period


Heracleopolis was the capital of Lower Egypt during the First Intermediate Period. This was a period of time when the Egyptian state was not unified. The Ninth and Tenth dynasties ruled Lower Egypt from Heracleopolis, whilst their rivals ruled a separate government in Upper Egypt (from their capital, Thebes).

Example Question #2 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

Which of these statements about the depiction of the Nile in ancient Egyptian art is most accurate?

Possible Answers:

The Egyptians depicted the Nile as it if were always in the season of inundation.

The inundation of the Nile was never depicted.

None of these statements are accurate.

The Egyptians believed it was sacrilegious to depict the Nile.

The Nile was depicted as an angry and vengeful crocodile.

Correct answer:

The inundation of the Nile was never depicted.


Ancient Egyptian art tended to conform to the notions of ancient Egyptian worldview. As such, order and harmony were constant themes. The inundation of the Nile, a precarious and uncertain time in Egyptian life, was never depicted. Instead, the Nile was always depicted as if it were orderly and constant.

Example Question #3 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

Which of these statements about the changing nature of art during the First Intermediate Period is most accurate?

Possible Answers:

Impressionism was embraced in favor of realism.

Artistic representation became much less diverse.

The artistic representation of the Gods was prohibited.

Artistic representation suddenly focused on depicting the Gods.

Artistic representation became much less uniform.

Correct answer:

Artistic representation became much less uniform.


During the Old Kingdom period, artistic representation gradually became more and more uniform (in the Memphite style). This was primarily because of the concentration of Pharaonic power in Memphis and the gradual homogenization of Egyptian culture under the Memphite standard. During the First Intermediate Period, however, authority was decentralized. This precipitated a similar shift in artistic representation; cultural attitudes became more diverse and as a result art became much less uniform.

Example Question #4 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

The Ancient Egyptian deity Apep was also known as _________________.

Possible Answers:

the husband of Ra

the enemy of Ra

None of these 

the killer of Ra

Correct answer:

the enemy of Ra


Apep was a deity known as the "enemy of Ra." Ra was the sun god, and a central positive figure in Ancient Egyptian religion. Apep was a deity who was actually negatively worshipped, meaning that adherents worshipped Apep in order to avoid his wrath. A great deal of religious iconography discovered from this period depicted Apep's battles with Ra.

Example Question #5 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

Who became the patron deity of the city of Thebes during the 11th Dynasty? 

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Amun was a deity of major importance in the Egyptian pantheon, worshipped as far back as the Old Kingdom. During the 11th Dynasty, he replaced Montu as the patron deity of Thebes, at times the capital city of Egypt. Amun was eventually fused with the sun god Ra, becoming Amun-Ra. He is often depicted as the king of all the gods. 

Example Question #6 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

Ptah is the God of creation in the tradition of Memphis, and also __________.

Possible Answers:

the Goddess of rebirth

the Goddess of motherhood

the God of craftsmen

the God of war

the God of the afterlife

Correct answer:

the God of craftsmen


Ptah is the God of creation in the tradition of Memphis. He is also the God of craftsmen. This relates to how the Memphians understood cosmology. Unlike the rest of the ancient Egyptians, the Memphians believed that Ptah acted as a sort of intermediary. It was Ptah who carried out the wishes and constructions ordained by the Gods.

Example Question #7 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

The Egyptians believed that a deceased person __________.

Possible Answers:

ceased to exist

was reincarnated according to their behavior on Earth

merged with the God Osiris

became a subject of the God Seth

ascended to the heavens and appeared in the sky as a star

Correct answer:

merged with the God Osiris


The Egyptians believed that a deceased person merged with the God of the Underworld, Osiris. They referred to the deceased as “Osiris (name of deceased).” So, for example, a man named Amenhotep who had died would be called “Osiris Amenhotep” to reflect his acquired divinity upon his death.

Example Question #8 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

The ancient Egyptians valued these two metals for their association with the Gods?

Possible Answers:

iron and copper

copper and tin

gold and silver

iron and gold

aluminium and bronze

Correct answer:

gold and silver


The ancient Egyptians believed that the bodies of the Gods were made of gold, and their bones made from silver. Gold is found in relative abundance in Egypt and was highly valued even early in Egyptian history. Silver, on the other hand, was extremely rare in ancient Egypt and generally had to be imported.

Example Question #9 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

Which of these people would be most likely to wear an amulet dedicated to the God Bes?

Possible Answers:

a frontline soldier

a government official

a priest

a pregnant woman

a maritime merchant

Correct answer:

a pregnant woman


The ancient Egyptian God Bes was associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Many Egyptians wore amulets, dedicated to certain Gods, to provide protection and good fortune. As Bes is associated with pregnancy and childbirth, it is reasonable to conclude that a pregnant woman would be most likely to wear an amulet dedicated to him.

Example Question #4 : First Intermediate Period (2181 2055 Bce)

Which of these changes in religious belief took place during the First Intermediate Period?

Possible Answers:

the extension of access to the afterlife to the wider population

the abandonment of the Ogdoad in favor of the Ennead

the declining worship of Ptah and the ascending worship of Ra

the Amarna Period and the heresy of Akhenaten

the abandonment of the Ennead in favor of the Ogdoad

Correct answer:

the extension of access to the afterlife to the wider population


During the Old Kingdom, it was generally understood that only kings and other powerful rulers could attain immortality or access the afterlife. This changed during the First Intermediate Period, however, as more and more Egyptians were offered access to the afterlife through earthly religious devotion. This is reflected in Coffin Texts, which were much more widely used in Egyptian society than the earlier Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom.

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