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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Identifying Artists, Works, Or Schools Of Gothic Architecture
This building is in __________.
This is Notre Dame de Paris, the chief cathedral and one of the most famous landmarks in Paris, France. Notre Dame was the seat of the Archbishops of Paris.
Example Question #23 : Architecture
Which of the following churches is NOT an example of Gothic architecture?
Hagia Sophia
Notre Dame Cathedral
Westminster Abbey
Rouen Cathedral
Lincoln Cathedral
Hagia Sophia
Beginning in the twelfth century in Europe, Gothic architecture dominated the building of churches across the continent, with its massive facades, extreme buliding heights, and ornate stone work. This style was used both in new churches like Rouen Cathedral and Lincoln Cathedral, and also in the rebuilding and renovation of structures, as with both Westminster Abbey and Notre Dame Cathedral. This was not the only church style, however, as the Greek churches developed their own massive church architectural style, exemplified by the Hagia Sofia in Constantinople (present day Istanbul).
Example Question #2 : Identifying Artists, Works, Or Schools Of Gothic Architecture
The previous images are all public domain and can be found at
The images above are of what kind of building?
A Roman baptistry
A Shiite mosque
A royal Church of Britain
A Catholic Cathedral
A Catholic Cathedral
This is the Florence Cathedral, a Catholic entity. This can been seen in a number of ways. The dome is particularly telling, as is the facade, which features a rose window. Both of these things are characteristics of catholic churches, which were being built in grander and grander style at the height of the gothic and Renaissance movements. Take special note of how the church looms over the neighboring buildings; at the time of its building, the Catholic church was the strongest entity in the land, and the buildings reflected that.
Example Question #3 : Identifying Artists, Works, Or Schools Of Gothic Architecture
The Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris, with its pointed arches and flying buttresses, is a good example of which style of architecture?
Notre Dame has many of the typical features of Gothic cathedrals and differs from Romanesque cathedrals, which lack the height, light, and pointed arches of the Gothic style.
"Medieval" and "Religious" are too vague to be considered styles of architecture, and the Baroque period came centuries after construction on Notre Dame began.
Example Question #102 : Architecture
Who was the famous designer/patron of the great Church of Saint-Denis and was, therefore, one of the earliest patrons of Gothic architecture?
Bernard of Clairvaux
Pope Innocent III
Saint Francis
Abbot Suger
Abbot Suger
Although he was also a prolific writer and historian, Abbot Suger is arguably most famous for his contribution to the reconstruction of Saint-Denis in the middle of the twelfth century. With its adoption of new architectural styles and forms (the church has the first known example of a large "rose window" above the West portal, for instance), Saint-Denis is often cited as the first example of Gothic architecture and the cathedral that inspired the construction of countless others in France in the years to follow.
Example Question #103 : Architecture
Which of the following options is the name of a famous Gothic cathedral in France that is also a popular tourist destination?
Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
Angoulême Cathedral
Lessay Abbey
The Notre Dame cathedral
Abbey Church of Saint Foy
The Notre Dame cathedral
Although there are other French churches or cathedrals in this list of answers, the only one that is part of the Gothic architectural movement is the Notre Dame. In fact, the only answer, French or otherwise, on this list that is truly a Gothic cathedral is the Notre Dame cathedral.
Example Question #4 : Identifying Artists, Works, Or Schools Of Gothic Architecture
This Cathedral, built in France in 1211, is an example of which style of architecture?
Romanesque architecture
Gothic architecture
Art Deco
Renaissance architecture
Baroque architecture
Gothic architecture
This cathedral, known as the Reims Cathedral, was built in France in the year 1211. It very accurately depicts the popular architectural trends that were popular in that time period, which is now known as the Gothic period. This period took place between the 12th and 16th centuries. Features popular in Gothic architecture that can also be seen on this cathedral are:
1) Vertical length over horizontal length. Gothic buildings tended to be slender and tall.
2) Pointed arches
3) Spires and towers, especially when they come in doubles.
4) Ornate façades
5) Rose windows
Image citation: Photo taken by bodoklecksel (2006)
Example Question #5 : Identifying Artists, Works, Or Schools Of Gothic Architecture
Oudenaarde Town Hall constructed in Belgium in the mid-16th century, is an example of which style of architecture?
Gothic architecture
Renaissance architecture
Romanesque architecture
Byzantine architecture
Baroque architecture
Gothic architecture
Although Oudenaarde Town Hall was constructed in the mid-16th century, which was nearing the end of the Gothic period, it is very firmly set in the trends of Gothic architecture. Its Gothic features are the following:
1) Vertical length over horizontal length. Gothic buildings tended to be slender and tall.
2) Pointed arches
3) Spires and towers
4) Ornate façade
5) Rose window
6) Groups of large windows
Image citation:
Example Question #6 : Identifying Artists, Works, Or Schools Of Gothic Architecture
The Chartres Cathedral was constructed in France in the early 13th century. What architectural style does it represent?
Romanesque architecture
Baroque architecture
Gothic architecture
Byzantine architecture
Rococo architecture
Gothic architecture
The Chartres Cathedral of the early 13th century is an example of Gothic architecture. Its Gothic features are the following:
1) Vertical length over horizontal length. Gothic buildings tended to be slender and tall.
2) Pointed arches
3) Spires and towers
4) Ornate façade (though not as ornate or decorated as other Gothic buildings)
5) Rose window
6) Groups of large windows
Image citation: Photograph taken by Tony Hisgett, accessed through Wikipedia Commons.
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