All AP Environmental Science Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Energy Usage
Which of the following is the predominant industrial energy source in the United States currently, in 2015?
Fossil fuels and natural gas
Hydroelectric energy
Geothermal energy
Nuclear energy
Fossil fuels and natural gas
While coal was the predominant source of energy during the Industrial Revolution, advancements in petroleum extraction and refining resulted in petroleum and natural gas becoming the dominant industrial fuel source in the 1950s. This pattern has existed to this day.
Example Question #1 : Large Scale Energy Usage
Which of the following most accurately defines "Energy Star"?
A federal energy-efficiency standard mandated for consumer electronics and appliances by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy
A program created by the Department of Energy that offers federal rebates for Energy Star certified home appliances, which have higher energy efficiency than the federal standards
An internationally-recognized standard for energy-efficient consumer products, formed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy
A collaborative program formed by private companies that manufacture consumer appliances and the Environmental Protection Agency to set an industry standard of energy efficiency
A standard for energy-efficiency drafted by private companies that manufacture electronics and consumer goods
An internationally-recognized standard for energy-efficient consumer products, formed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy
The Energy Star certification is a standard of energy efficiency for consumer electronics and appliances that is higher than what is required by federal standards. The program was a joint venture by the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy and has since become an internationally-recognized standard.
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All AP Environmental Science Resources