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All AP Environmental Science Resources
Free AP Environmental Science Diagnostic Tests
All AP Environmental Science Resources
As your high school student prepares for college, they may choose to take AP Environmental Science. This course requires your child to pass an exam to demonstrate their proficiency in the course materials. The test is divided into two 90-minute sections. Section I is worth 60 percent of the total score, and consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. Section II is worth 40 percent of the total score, and features four free-response questions.
To help your child prepare, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools include dozens of free AP Environmental Science Practice Tests. There are also Full-Length AP Environmental Science Practice Tests that your child can take as they begin their review process to help them discover which topics they most need to review. The practice tests cover each of the major concepts they’ll need to master in order to do well on the test. Each concept-specific practice test varies in difficulty and length, but all of the exercises provide relevant practice materials your child can use.
The AP Environmental Science sample questions on both versions of the practice tests come from established curricula and represent the same types of questions that have been asked on past exams. The major topics covered include ecology, nature, evolution, ecosystems, biology, and a range of natural cycles. Also covered are energy production, usage, and various topics related to energy sources and their impact on the environment. Your child will have a chance to work on Earth Science questions, too. The concept-specific practice tests consist of questions relevant to a single topic for a focused review. If your child would like to get a more comprehensive testing experience, they can take one of the complete practice tests. They cover all of the topics that your child will need to know by the time they take the exam.
Each practice test also supports the creation of a personalized study routine. That’s because the AP Environmental Science example questions give your child a concept-specific experience. Upon completion of each practice test, your child will be shown their score and a variety of other helpful metrics. In addition to reviewing how their performance stacks up to that of other students, they can view the correct response, read the correct response’s detailed explanation, and find resources for further study on the relevant topics. Both the concept-specific and full-length tests’ results pages provide a variety of free AP Environmental Science Exam review resources, so your child knows exactly what to focus on as they continue their studies. In fact, your child can use the results page as a resource to enhance their study materials. The results pages of the Full-Length AP Environmental Science Practice Tests are an especially efficient way to track your child’s progress as they work toward the real test.
All of the free online AP Environmental Science test questions are designed to mimic the exam’s format. Both the concept-specific and full-length practice tests provide your child with valuable study opportunities and the chance to increase their confidence level by becoming familiar with the test’s format. By taking advantage of the AP Environmental Science Exam review exercises and the complete practice tests, your child can work toward becoming more comfortable with the material before they take the exam. Another advantage of the Learning Tools are the social media sharing options. These enable your child to share their scores, comment on the practice tests, and challenge their study groups, friends, or classmates. Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools provide comprehensive, detailed AP Environmental Science review materials in a variety of formats to help your child brush up on the concepts they’ll need to know at the end of the year.
Free AP Environmental Science Practice Tests
Practice Tests by Concept
Ecosystems and biology practice test
ap_environmental_science-ecosystems-and-biologyEcological change practice test
ap_environmental_science-ecological-changeChange due to natural events practice test
ap_environmental_science-change-due-to-natural-eventsEcological succession practice test
ap_environmental_science-ecological-successionEvolution practice test
ap_environmental_science-evolutionHuman impact on ecological change practice test
ap_environmental_science-human-impact-on-ecological-changeNatural selection practice test
ap_environmental_science-natural-selectionEcosystem development and relationships practice test
ap_environmental_science-ecosystem-development-and-relationshipsBiomes practice test
ap_environmental_science-biomesFood webs and pyramids practice test
ap_environmental_science-food-webs-and-pyramidsNiches practice test
ap_environmental_science-nichesPopulations and communities practice test
ap_environmental_science-populations-and-communitiesSpecies relationships and diversity practice test
ap_environmental_science-species-relationships-and-diversityEnergy and biochemical cycles practice test
ap_environmental_science-energy-and-biochemical-cyclesBiochemical cycles practice test
ap_environmental_science-biochemical-cyclesCarbon cycle practice test
ap_environmental_science-carbon-cycleNitrogen cycle practice test
ap_environmental_science-nitrogen-cyclePhosphorus cycle practice test
ap_environmental_science-phosphorus-cycleWater cycle practice test
ap_environmental_science-water-cycleEnergy dynamics practice test
ap_environmental_science-energy-dynamicsCellular respiration practice test
ap_environmental_science-cellular-respirationPhotosynthesis practice test
ap_environmental_science-photosynthesisTrophic levels practice test
ap_environmental_science-trophic-levelsPopulation ecology practice test
ap_environmental_science-population-ecologyCarrying capacity practice test
ap_environmental_science-carrying-capacityReproductive patterns and principles practice test
ap_environmental_science-reproductive-patterns-and-principlesThe human population practice test
ap_environmental_science-the-human-populationEnergy production and usage practice test
ap_environmental_science-energy-production-and-usageEnergy conservation practice test
ap_environmental_science-energy-conservationCafe standards practice test
ap_environmental_science-cafe-standardsEfficiency practice test
ap_environmental_science-efficiencyEnergy sources and production practice test
ap_environmental_science-energy-sources-and-productionFossil fuels practice test
ap_environmental_science-fossil-fuelsAdvantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels practice test
ap_environmental_science-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-fossil-fuelsCoal, oil, and natural gas practice test
ap_environmental_science-coal-oil-and-natural-gasFormation, extraction, and purification practice test
ap_environmental_science-formation-extraction-and-purificationHydroelectric energy practice test
ap_environmental_science-hydroelectric-energyAdvantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric energy practice test
ap_environmental_science-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-hydroelectric-energyDams practice test
ap_environmental_science-damsNuclear energy practice test
ap_environmental_science-nuclear-energyAdvantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy practice test
ap_environmental_science-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-nuclear-energyFission and fusion practice test
ap_environmental_science-fission-and-fusionOther energy sources practice test
ap_environmental_science-other-energy-sourcesBiomass practice test
ap_environmental_science-biomassGeothermal energy practice test
ap_environmental_science-geothermal-energyHydrogen and fuel cells practice test
ap_environmental_science-hydrogen-and-fuel-cellsOther energy sources practice test
ap_environmental_science-other-energy-sourcesSolar energy practice test
ap_environmental_science-solar-energyEnergy usage practice test
ap_environmental_science-energy-usageLarge-scale energy usage practice test
ap_environmental_science-large-scale-energy-usageSmall-scale energy usage practice test
ap_environmental_science-small-scale-energy-usageIntroductory energy topics practice test
ap_environmental_science-introductory-energy-topicsLaws of thermodynamics practice test
ap_environmental_science-laws-of-thermodynamicsTypes of energy practice test
ap_environmental_science-types-of-energyUnits and conversions practice test
ap_environmental_science-units-and-conversionsGlobal effects and dynamics practice test
ap_environmental_science-global-effects-and-dynamicsEcological consequences practice test
ap_environmental_science-ecological-consequencesBiodiversity practice test
ap_environmental_science-biodiversityHabitats and biomes practice test
ap_environmental_science-habitats-and-biomesOther ecological consequences practice test
ap_environmental_science-other-ecological-consequencesGlobal warming practice test
ap_environmental_science-global-warmingGreenhouse effect practice test
ap_environmental_science-greenhouse-effectGreenhouse gases practice test
ap_environmental_science-greenhouse-gasesImpact of global warming practice test
ap_environmental_science-impact-of-global-warmingPolitics and global warming practice test
ap_environmental_science-politics-and-global-warmingOzone practice test
ap_environmental_science-ozoneCauses and effects of ozone loss practice test
ap_environmental_science-causes-and-effects-of-ozone-lossOzone formation practice test
ap_environmental_science-ozone-formationPolitics and ozone practice test
ap_environmental_science-politics-and-ozoneUltraviolet light and radiation practice test
ap_environmental_science-ultraviolet-light-and-radiationIntroductory concepts and earth science practice test
ap_environmental_science-introductory-concepts-and-earth-scienceAtmosphere practice test
ap_environmental_science-atmosphereAtmosphere-ocean relationships practice test
ap_environmental_science-atmosphere-ocean-relationshipsAtmospheric movement and patterns practice test
ap_environmental_science-atmospheric-movement-and-patternsAtmospheric organization practice test
ap_environmental_science-atmospheric-organizationEnso practice test
ap_environmental_science-ensoWeather practice test
ap_environmental_science-weatherEarth science practice test
ap_environmental_science-earth-scienceNatural disasters practice test
ap_environmental_science-natural-disastersPlate tectonics and earthquakes practice test
ap_environmental_science-plate-tectonics-and-earthquakesSeasons practice test
ap_environmental_science-seasonsSoil and geology practice test
ap_environmental_science-soil-and-geologyGeological time scale practice test
ap_environmental_science-geological-time-scaleRock cycle practice test
ap_environmental_science-rock-cycleSoil formation, composition, and properties practice test
ap_environmental_science-soil-formation-composition-and-propertiesSoil problems and solutions practice test
ap_environmental_science-soil-problems-and-solutionsTypes of soil practice test
ap_environmental_science-types-of-soilWater resources practice test
ap_environmental_science-water-resourcesFreshwater practice test
ap_environmental_science-freshwaterGeneral water usage practice test
ap_environmental_science-general-water-usageOcean dynamics practice test
ap_environmental_science-ocean-dynamicsSalt water practice test
ap_environmental_science-salt-waterSurface water and underground water practice test
ap_environmental_science-surface-water-and-underground-waterWater problems and solutions practice test
ap_environmental_science-water-problems-and-solutionsMaterial resources practice test
ap_environmental_science-material-resourcesAgriculture practice test
ap_environmental_science-agricultureEconomics and resources practice test
ap_environmental_science-economics-and-resourcesFishing practice test
ap_environmental_science-fishingForests practice test
ap_environmental_science-forestsMining practice test
ap_environmental_science-miningOther material resources practice test
ap_environmental_science-other-material-resourcesPolitics and resources practice test
ap_environmental_science-politics-and-resourcesRangelands practice test
ap_environmental_science-rangelandsPollution practice test
ap_environmental_science-pollutionEcological impacts practice test
ap_environmental_science-ecological-impactsEconomic impacts practice test
ap_environmental_science-economic-impactsHealth impacts practice test
ap_environmental_science-health-impactsTypes of pollution practice test
ap_environmental_science-types-of-pollutionAll AP Environmental Science Resources
Practice Quizzes
AP Environmental Science Problem Set 48
ap_environmental_science_48AP Environmental Science Problem Set 45
ap_environmental_science_45AP Environmental Science Problem Set 44
ap_environmental_science_44AP Environmental Science Problem Set 43
ap_environmental_science_43AP Environmental Science Problem Set 42
ap_environmental_science_42AP Environmental Science Problem Set 41
ap_environmental_science_41AP Environmental Science Problem Set 40
ap_environmental_science_40AP Environmental Science Problem Set 39
ap_environmental_science_39AP Environmental Science Problem Set 38
ap_environmental_science_38AP Environmental Science Problem Set 37
ap_environmental_science_37All AP Environmental Science Resources
AP Environmental Science Problem Set 35
ap_environmental_science_35AP Environmental Science Problem Set 33
ap_environmental_science_33AP Environmental Science Problem Set 32
ap_environmental_science_32AP Environmental Science Problem Set 31
ap_environmental_science_31AP Environmental Science Problem Set 30
ap_environmental_science_30AP Environmental Science Problem Set 29
ap_environmental_science_29AP Environmental Science Problem Set 28
ap_environmental_science_28AP Environmental Science Problem Set 27
ap_environmental_science_27AP Environmental Science Problem Set 26
ap_environmental_science_26AP Environmental Science Problem Set 25
ap_environmental_science_25All AP Environmental Science Resources
AP Environmental Science Problem Set 23
ap_environmental_science_23AP Environmental Science Problem Set 22
ap_environmental_science_22AP Environmental Science Problem Set 21
ap_environmental_science_21AP Environmental Science Problem Set 20
ap_environmental_science_20AP Environmental Science Problem Set 19
ap_environmental_science_19AP Environmental Science Problem Set 18
ap_environmental_science_18AP Environmental Science Problem Set 17
ap_environmental_science_17AP Environmental Science Problem Set 14
ap_environmental_science_14AP Environmental Science Problem Set 13
ap_environmental_science_13AP Environmental Science Problem Set 12
ap_environmental_science_12All AP Environmental Science Resources
AP Environmental Science Problem Set 11
ap_environmental_science_11AP Environmental Science Problem Set 10
ap_environmental_science_10AP Environmental Science Problem Set 9
ap_environmental_science_9AP Environmental Science Problem Set 8
ap_environmental_science_8AP Environmental Science Problem Set 7
ap_environmental_science_7AP Environmental Science Problem Set 6
ap_environmental_science_6AP Environmental Science Problem Set 5
ap_environmental_science_5AP Environmental Science Problem Set 4
ap_environmental_science_4AP Environmental Science Problem Set 3
ap_environmental_science_3AP Environmental Science Problem Set 2
ap_environmental_science_2All AP Environmental Science Resources
AP Environmental Science Problem Set 1
ap_environmental_science_1Certified Tutor
Certified Tutor
All AP Environmental Science Resources