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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Monoculture
Which of the following is an example of a monoculture?
A single coastal redwood tree has over fifty species of plants and fungi growing on it.
A fruit orchard contains apple, pear, and orange trees.
An organic farm must pick the crops by hand, because they grow many different species together.
Biotech giant Monsanto grows one variety of corn over thousands of acres.
Biotech giant Monsanto grows one variety of corn over thousands of acres.
Monoculture refers to the practice of growing one species or variety of plant within a given area. The prefix "mono" means "one."
Eliminate options about the orchard, the redwood, and the organic farm. All you have left is Monsanto.
Example Question #2 : Monoculture
What term is given to the deliberate cultivation of only one crop in a large land area?
The term “monoculture” is used to describe the deliberate cultivation of only one single crop in a large land area. Monoculture has increased in practice in recent years as it allows for easier mechanized harvesting and more efficient large-scale farming.
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