AP World History : Family and Kinship 1900 to Present

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Example Questions

Example Question #5 : Family And Kinship

During the Cultural Revolution, Mao Tse-Tung ____________.

Possible Answers:

commanded children to listen to their grandparents even if it conflicted with the Communist Party

announced that the Chinese family should resemble his own

attempted to turn children against their elders

made no statements and had no policies on family

reestablished the traditional Chinese value of filial piety

Correct answer:

attempted to turn children against their elders


During the Cultural revolution, Mao instituted a new social group known as the "Red Guards." Comprised of young people, especially high schoolers, these Red Guards were given free reign to attack representatives of bourgeois order. Those who were older were automatically considered counterrevolutionary enemies because they had been tainted by their experience with landlords and aristocrats.

Mao's was a totalitarian regime; every aspect of life, including family and kinship, was under the auspices of the government.

Mao Tse-Tung was against the traditional Chinese concept of filial piety; respect for ones elders simply because they are elders.

Mao Tse-Tung taught children to be wary of elder generations, especially those who conflicted with the Communist party.

During the Cultural Revolution, Mao Tse-Tung's cult of personality grew immense, but his family, and especially his children, were largely kept out of the spotlight. In no way was Mao's family a public example of kinship.

Example Question #5 : Family And Kinship

At the beginning of the Great Depression, many American families found they could no longer afford to live in their houses or find work, and established slums and shanty towns. What were these communities called?

Possible Answers:


Roosevelt Mansions

Greed Alleys



Correct answer:



The beginning of the Great Depression took place during the presidency of Herbert Hoover who, like many Presidents when the economy is in a bad state, was widely blamed for the disaster. Many Americans were forced from their homes and unable to find work and set up slums and shantytowns throughout American cities. In the early 1930s hundreds of thousands of Americans lived in these “Hoovervilles.”

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