AP World History : Gender 600 BCE to 600 CE

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Gender

According to the Indian custom of Sati __________.

Possible Answers:

the only way to transcend the caste system is through good karma and reincarnation

a man may legally buy and sell women, so long as the woman in question is of a lower caste

after a high caste man dies, his wife is expected to throw herself on his funeral pyre

any woman who commits adultery is to be stoned to death

any man who commits adultery forfeits his marriage and his property

Correct answer:

after a high caste man dies, his wife is expected to throw herself on his funeral pyre


The Indian custom of Sati was practiced in India all the way up to the twentieth century. According to this custom, after a high caste man dies his widow is expected to throw herself on his funeral pyre and burn to death.

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