AP World History : Regional and Global Groups and Organizations 1450 to 1750

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Regional And Global Groups And Organizations 1450 To 1750

Which of the following was not a British colony in North America?

Possible Answers:

Cayman Islands




Correct answer:



Despite the name of one of Britain's colonies being British Honduras, the nation that is now Honduras was never part of the British Empire. It was part of the Spanish Empire until its independence. British Honduras is actually what is known today as Belize. 

Example Question #12 : Regional And Global Groups And Organizations

Who was the most famous Mughal ruler of India? Some of his notable accomplishments include broad religious tolerance, an efficient bureaucracy and a multitude of cultural enrichment programs.

Possible Answers:

Muhammad Shah

Rafi ud-Darajat


Alamgir II


Correct answer:



Akbar the Great, whose name literally means Great, so Great the Great, was the third ruled of the Mughal empire and expanded it's influence over the majority o the Indian subcontinent and it' cultural importance well beyond the borders of India.

Example Question #13 : Regional And Global Groups And Organizations

Which of the following countries/territories was NOT part of the League of Augsburg?

Possible Answers:

Several German states




Correct answer:



The League of Augsburg was formed in 1689 and consisted of several German states (the country of Germany did not yet exist), Sweden, the United Provinces of the Netherlands, and Spain. These countries came together to form the League in order to combine their armies to oppose King Louis XIV of France, who had taken over the city of Strasbourg (a German region) in 1681. The League was determined to keep Louis out of the German and Netherlands regions, despite past concessions and territorial gains that Louis had received by invading these areas in the recent past. The members of the League resolved to make a final stand and stop Louis’s territorial incursions once and for all. Louis’s army and the League’s forces fought each in the Nine Years’ War (1689-1697), with Leopold I, the Hapsburg Emperor, extending support to the League during the final years. By 1697, the League was able to achieve a decisive victory and force Louis out of the Netherlands and the German region for good. These terms were finalized in the Peace of Ryswick, which formally ended the conflict and was especially focused on banning Louis from ever again attempting to invade any German territories.

Example Question #4 : Regional And Global Groups And Organizations 1450 To 1750

The concept of a European Balance of Power emerged in the aftermath of ________________.

Possible Answers:

World War II

the Thirty Years’ War

World War I

the Napoleonic Wars

the Crimean War

Correct answer:

the Thirty Years’ War


The concept of a European Balance of Power first emerged in the aftermath of the Thirty Years’ War. Although it is worth noting it was reinforced by the Napoleonic Wars and was part of the cause for the Crimean War and for World War One. The European Balance of Power essentially states that in order to preserve peace and prosperity on the continent no one power can be allowed to grow more powerful than the other states. At various times France, Germany (and Prussia), Britain, Russia, Austria, and Spain have threatened to upset this balance.

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