Award-Winning ISEE Courses & Classes in Austin, TX

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Varsity Tutors can help you enroll your student in an online Austin ISEE prep course. Parents often turn to Varsity Tutors for an additional resource for their student to receive ISEE preparation assistance. The ISEE is an exam that students often have to complete as they apply to independent and private schools. As parents seek private or independent schools for their students, schools will often reference the student's ISEE scores to determine admission for the following school year. The ISEE is accepted by more than 1200 schools internationally.

Depending on your child's age and educational level, they will be placed into one of the four ISEE testing categories: Primary, Lower, Middle, or Upper Level. Each of the categories has the same set time allotment and number of questions. Once your child is matched with their appropriate testing level, the ISEE will use materials that correspond to their specific educational level to measure their knowledge of five different categories. Each of the five categories tests a particular area of education; the ISEE testing categories are Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Math Achievement, and Essay.

Children who test within the Primary Level have a different testing format. The Primary Level is broken down into three sub-categories: Primary 2, Primary 3, and Primary 4. Students who will be entering the second grade will test on the Primary 2 ISEE level, those who are entering the third grade will test on the Primary 3 level, and the students entering the fourth grade will test on the Primary 4 level. The testing sections for all Primary levels include Reading, Math, and Writing. Only the Primary 2 level students must complete a fourth section of the exam entitled Auditory Comprehension.

What information will my student review in an online Austin ISEE class?

The first section of the ISEE exam is Reading which includes thirty-six questions that the student must complete in thirty-five minutes. Within the Reading section, students will have to show they are familiar with vocabulary, main ideas, and answer questions that are related to reading passages. The Upper and Middle-Level students will have to identify the author's intent, show the ability to evaluate cause and effect, recognize information that is not explicitly stated within written passages, and show knowledge of literal and figurative language use. The Lower-Level students will have to reflect their understanding of primary and central ideas within written work.

The next section of the ISEE is Math Achievement in which students will have forty-seven questions to answer within a forty minute time allotment. Students completing this section of the ISEE will test their understanding of algebra, geometry, problem-solving, and data analysis. Lower-Level students completing the Math Achievement will encounter questions that cover their knowledge of patterns, symmetry, and estimation. The Upper and Middle-Level Math sections if the ISEE will face problems that reference finding the area of quadrilaterals and triangles, mean, median, and mode. Middle-Level students will also have to show their knowledge of using Venn Diagrams and prime factorization.

The third section of the exam is Quantitative Reasoning. Similar to the Math Achievement section, this section will focus on the student's abilities to assess quantitative math skills. Some of the topics that Upper and Middle-Level students will encounter are measurements, probability, numbers, and operations. A few of the concepts that students should review are fractions, decimals, integers, exponents, and processes involving variables. Middle-Level students must show they can find the length of a line whereas the Lower-Level students must prove they are proficient with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and the identification of characteristics of geometric objects.

Finally, the last of the ISEE categories is the Essay section. Students on all levels, including the Primary Level, will be given a prompt in which students in their age group show a common interest. The writing sample students provide, in the Primary Level only, is not scored; however, it will be given to potential schools to show the student's creativity and personality. After they evaluate the prompt, they must compose a story or essay that directly relates to the prompt. Primary Level students are given a picture prompt whereas students who are testing at other levels have a written prompt. Test takers must reflect their abilities to organize written work, proper use of grammatical skills, punctuation, and their abilities to use relevant details to gain the interest of the reader of their story.

The Primary Level students ISEE test construction differs from other levels. Primary Levels two through four include Reading, Writing, and Math. The Reading and Math sections are presented in multiple-choice formats that focus on grade-appropriate vocabulary and basic math skills. The Auditory Comprehension section for Primary 2 students will last for seven minutes, and students must respond to six questions. Students must listen to passages and respond to questions that reference the content within the audio sample they have heard.

What are the benefits of an online Austin ISEE course?

Once your student enrolls in an Austin ISEE course, all of their courses are taught in an online virtual classroom with an experienced teacher who is considered an expert in online educational instruction. Communication between students with the same educational goals provides the benefits of collaborative learning, which often includes group projects. Collaborative learning is a one-of-a-kind learning technique in which your student can gather more knowledge in specific subjects they may be having difficulties with comprehending. A Varsity Tutors Austin ISEE course gives your student one-on-one help with their instructor, if needed, for additional individual support.

How can I gather more information about an Austin ISEE class for my student?

Parents can visit Varsity Tutors online and connect with an educational consultant to gather more information about an Austin ISEE class. The educational consultants are trained to work directly with parents to assist with finding options that are available for your student's educational needs. Austin ISEE classes begin every week and parents can choose between 2-week and 4-week sessions. Multiple options are available that will fit into your student's busy schedule. Don't procrastinate to get a step up on your student's ISEE preparations. Give Varsity Tutors a call today!

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