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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Quaternary Structure
Which of these macromolecules has quarternary structure?
Hemoglobin is the only available example of a macromolecule composed of multiple subunits. Hemoglobin has frou subunits, each capable of binding and transporting one molecule of oxygen in the blood.
Chymotrypsin and myogblobin are both simple proteins, each consisting of a single polypeptide. These proteins do not have multiple subunits; thus their highest level of structure is tertiary (three-dimensional). Lactose and sucrose are disaccharides, each composed of two carbohydrate monomers (monosaccharides).
Example Question #2 : Quaternary Structure
Hemoglobin is a protein that possesses more than one polypeptide subunit, therefore it has a __________ structure.
Hemoglobin is a tetramer that possesses a quaternary structure containing multiple folded polypeptide structures (tertiary structures). A tertiary protein will commonly contain a single polypeptide chain with one or more secondary structures.
Example Question #2 : Quaternary Structure
Which of the following is true about quaternary structure?
A protein with multiple identical subunits does not have a quaternary structure.
None of these
When ligands bind to proteins, their 3D-structures sometimes change
The main forces holding together oligomeric subunits are disulfide bonds
When ligands bind to proteins, their 3D-structures sometimes change
A protein with multiple identical subunits does indeed have a quaternary structure; in these cases, dimers and tetramers are common. The main forces holding together oligomeric subunits are weak, non-covalent interactions, specifically, hydrophobic ones, as well as electrostatic forces. Subunits do not necessarily form separate domains within a protein; in a potassium channel protein, for example, there are identical subunits which come together to form the single channel. Proteins’ 3D-structures do indeed sometimes change when ligands bind; this change help regulate the proteins’ biological activity.
Example Question #3 : Quaternary Structure
Which of the following proteins do not have quaternary structure?
DNA polymerase
Quaternary structure of a protein involves the assembly of subunits. Hemoglobin, p53 and DNA polymerase are all composed of subunits, while myoglobin is a functional single sequence. Since myoglobin does not have multiple subunits, it does not have quaternary structure.
Example Question #1 : Quaternary Structure
Which of the following best describes the quaternary structure of a protein?
How the polypeptide chains fit together
The sequence of nucleic acids
The polypeptide chain's complete 3-D structure
The four parts of a protein's amino acid sequence
The layout of alpha-helices and beta-sheets
How the polypeptide chains fit together
Quaternary structure describes how polypeptide chains fit together to form a complete protein. Quaternary protein structure is held together by hydrophobic interactions, and disulfide bridges. The sequence of amino acids is known as primary structure; helices, sheets, and similar features are part of the secondary structure; and the 3-D organization is tertiary structure. "The four parts of a protein's amino acid sequence" does not refer to anything in particular.
Example Question #3 : Quaternary Structure
Which of the following best explains a quaternary structure of a protein?
Hydrogen bonds, alpha-helices and beta-pleated sheets
Disulfide bonds, single polypeptide chain
Collagen and myoglobin
Hydrogen and disulfide bonds, two or more polypeptide chains
Linear sequence of amino acids
Hydrogen and disulfide bonds, two or more polypeptide chains
Primary structure: linear sequence of amino acids
Secondary structure: hydrogen bonds, alpha-helices and beta-pleated sheets
Tertiary structure: disulfide bonds, single polypeptide chain
Myoglobin is a monomer, and is made of a single polypeptide chain. Thus, its highest level of protein structure is tertiary. While collagen does contain different polypeptide chains, it is an example of a protein with quaternary structure, not an explanation of what this means.
Example Question #2 : Quaternary Structure
What form of protein structure includes disulfide bonds?
Only secondary structure
Only primary structure
Only tertiary structure
Only quaternary structure
Tertiary and quaternary structures
Tertiary and quaternary structures
In this question, we're asked about how disulfide bonds relate to protein folding. Let's go through each form of structure.
Primary structure refers to the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide, from the N-terminal end to the C-terminal end.
Secondary structure refers to local conformations of protein folding. There are a number of commonly found motifs that have been recognized, such as alpha-helices and beta-pleated sheets. These motifs are stabilized by intermolecular interactions between amino acid side-chains and also between alpha-carboxy and alpha-amino groups of the peptide backbone. Some of these intermolecular interactions include hydrogen bonding, van der Waals interactions, dipole interactions, and ionic bonding.
Tertiary structure refers to the overall three-dimensional structure of the folded polypeptide. This form of structure relies on the same intermolecular interactions found in secondary structure. In addition, tertiary structure also includes disulfide bonds that are found between cysteine residues.
Quaternary structure refers only to proteins that are composed of multiple polypeptides. These separate polypeptides are held together by the same intermolecular forces found in secondary and tertiary structures. In addition, disulfide bonds are also found in quaternary structure, just like in tertiary structure.
Thus, tertiary and quaternary structure both include disulfide bonds.
Example Question #2 : Quaternary Structure
What is the primary driver of protein folding on a macro level?
Ionic bonding
Covalent bonding
Hydrogen bonding
Entropic force
Van der Waals forces
Entropic force
While covalent bonds create the primary structure of a protein, and hydrogen bonding and Van der Waals forces have a large impact on the secondary structure of a protein, they are not the main contributors to overall folding of a protein. This has more to do with solvation costs, hydrophobicity, and entropy. The hydrophobicity and hydrophobic portions of the protein must fold to minimize entropic costs.
Example Question #41 : Protein Folding
Which of the following statements is true about proteins with quaternary structures?
I. Proteins are composed of multiple polypeptide chains.
II. Proteins are composed of subunits that interact through weak forces (noncovalent) only.
III. Sub-units may work cooperatively,one sub-unit binding to a molecule increases the affinity of the other sub-units for the same ligand.
IV. Hemoglobin is a protein displaying a quaternary structure composed of 4 sub-units.
II and III
III and IV
I and II
I, III, and IV
I, II, III, and IV
I, III, and IV
Hemoglobin is a classic example of protein with a quaternary structure. The binding of oxygen to one sub unit increases the affinity of the other sub units for oxygen (cooperativity). Adult hemoglobin is made of two alpha globin and two beta globin polypeptides. Protein quaternary structure may involve both noncovalent and covalent forces.
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