Certified Tutor
I graduated from Rice University cum laude with a B.A. in Biological Sciences. My goal as a tutor is not to simply help students with their homework but to make sure that they get a complete grasp of the concepts they are trying to learn. I taylor my tutoring sessions based on the individual because each student has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. This allows me to use practice problems from trusted resources along with problems that I craft on my own to ensure that the student's weak points are properly tended. Additionally, designing each session based on the individual prevents from wasting time covering material that he/she is already proficient in.
I have a wide range of experience as a tutor. Since my freshmen year in college, I have worked with students ranging from refugee children in middle school to full-time college students. I prefer tutoring students 1-on-1 because it allows me to devote all of my resources towards helping him/her. 1-on-1 tutoring also allows me to build a strong, personal relationship with my students. To me, this is important because it establishes a sense of trust and respect between the tutor and the student, which is of utmost importance for a student to learn well because it allows for the student to be forthcoming about what exactly they need help with.
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Undergraduate Degree: Rice University - Bachelors, Biological Sciences
- ACT Composite: 34
- ACT English: 33
- ACT Math: 35
- ACT Reading: 36
- ACT Science: 33
- SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1500
- SAT Math: 800
- SAT Writing: 710
- ACT Writing
- Algebra
- College English
- College Essays
- English
- English Grammar and Syntax
- Geometry
- Graduate Test Prep
- High School English
- Math
- MCAT Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
- Molecular Biology
- Pre-Algebra
- PSAT Writing Skills
- SAT Prep
- SAT Math
- SAT Mathematics
- SAT Reading
- SAT Verbal
- SAT Writing and Language
- Science
- Test Prep
How would you help a student stay motivated?
I would try to put myself in his or her shoes and see what is causing him/her to not understand the concept. I would try different methods of teaching the subject, whether it be acting it out or using diagrams/external objects. I believe that there is no one way to teach a concept, and sometimes a method that works for one student might not work for another.
How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?
I think it's important before trying to correct the student that you first go through a couple reading comprehension passages with the student in order to get a better sense of why he/she is struggling. Oftentimes, with reading comprehension, it is a matter of recognizing the types of questions that test-makers enjoy asking and learning to find the answer that best suits the question type. Additionally, by working through some practice problems with the student, I can get a better understanding of what types of questions he/she is typically missing, and thus work to improve those weak points.