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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Cross Product
Let , and
Find .
We are trying to find the cross product between and
Recall the formula for cross product.
If , and
, then
Now apply this to our situation.
Example Question #2 : Cross Product
Let , and
Find .
We are trying to find the cross product between and
Recall the formula for cross product.
If , and
, then
Now apply this to our situation.
Example Question #3 : Cross Product
True or False: The cross product can only be taken of two 3-dimensional vectors.
This is true. The cross product is defined this way. The dot product however can be taken for two vectors of dimension n (provided that both vectors are the same dimension).
Example Question #1 : Cross Product
Which of the following choices is true?
By definition, the order of the dot product of two vectors does not matter, as the final output is a scalar. However, the cross product of two vectors will change signs depending on the order that they are crossed. Therefore
Example Question #361 : Calculus 3
For what angle(s) is the cross product ?
We have the following equation that relates the cross product of two vectors to the relative angle between them
, written as
From this, we can see that the numerator, or cross product, will be whenever
. This will be true for all even multiples of
. Therefore, we find that the cross product of two vectors will be
Example Question #111 : Vectors And Vector Operations
None of the other answers
None of the other answers
It is not possible to take the cross product of -component vectors. The definition of the cross product states that the two vectors must each have
components. So the above problem is impossible.
Example Question #7 : Cross Product
Compute .
To evaluate the cross product, we use the determinant formula
So we have
. (Use cofactor expansion along the top row. This is typically done when taking any cross products)
Example Question #2 : Cross Product
Evaluate .
None of the other answers
To evaluate the cross product, we use the determinant formula
So we have
. (Use cofactor expansion along the top row. This is typically done when taking any cross products)
Example Question #9 : Cross Product
Find the cross product of the two vectors.
To find the cross product, we solve for the determinant of the matrix
The determinant equals
As the cross-product.
Example Question #1 : Cross Product
Find the cross product of the two vectors.
To find the cross product, we solve for the determinant of the matrix
The determinant equals
As the cross-product.
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All Calculus 3 Resources