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Varsity Tutors would be happy to help any student preparing to apply to a university or college by connecting them with excellent Charlotte SAT prep. If you're a student at an institution such as Ardrey Kell High School or Marvin Ridge High School, you may already be thinking about taking your SAT. Many students take this exam for the first time as early as junior year of high school. This important test is one of the first hurdles you will face when preparing to gain entrance to the higher education institution of your choice. The SAT is a college entrance exam intended to assess your college readiness and whether you have retained the knowledge you have learned throughout your years of schooling.

The SAT contains three required sections plus an optional SAT essay. Without the essay, the exam takes three hours with two breaks. An additional 50 minutes is added to the exam when you choose to take the essay portion of the SAT. The required sections include Math, Reading, and Writing and Language. Each of the sections receives a separate sub-score which can provide insight into your specific strengths and areas of opportunity. An SAT prep course can help you brush up on the skills assessed in each section.

What can Charlotte SAT prep cover?

Each section of the SAT has its own time limit and varies in the number of questions you are asked to complete. Let's take a closer look at the sections and which skills you need to review to prepare for each part, starting with the Math section.

The Math section of the SAT consists of 58 questions which you must finish within 80 minutes. The math assessment is actually split into two parts; you only have access to a calculator during one of them. The part without a calculator will take 25 minutes and the part in which you can use a calculator will take 55 minutes. The Math section of the exam will have you solving problems using linear equations and systems. An SAT prep course can help you work on solving problems quickly by identifying and using effective solutions. You can also gain guided practice opportunities in making connections between properties of linear equations and their graphs when you are working with an expert SAT instructor.

The next section assesses your Reading skills with 52 questions. You will have 65 minutes to complete this part of the SAT. This section of the exam requires you to read various passages and find evidence to support answers or provide the foundation for a logical conclusion. Passages will vary in topic and can come from contemporary US literature, United States founding documents, economics articles, or biology texts. An SAT prep course can help you practice utilizing context clues to comprehend or infer a word meaning. This section provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how an author should present an argument with sound evidence.

In the next section, you will be evaluated on your Writing and Language skills. This portion of the SAT consist of 44 questions which you must finish within 35 minutes. All questions in this section will come from the provided passages and are multiple-choice. Some passages may even include tables, charts, or graphs. Prior knowledge of the information in the passages is not required to do well on this assessment. This is your opportunity to showcase your ability to edit passages to make them more clear or understandable. An SAT course can help if you want to brush up on your ability to make editorial decisions in order to improve a passage's style, syntax, or tone.

If you make the decision to take the SAT essay, you will have 50 minutes to complete a single essay response. In this section, you will need to read a passage and consider how the author makes use of evidence to support his or her claims, uses reasoning to develop ideas, and uses stylistic details such as word choice to add strength to the ideas in the given passage. Your response must evaluate the author's argument and persuasive abilities. This essay will not disclose whether you agree with the author's viewpoint, but rather will assess the author's argument.

Whether you want to focus on only one of these SAT sections or would like to review all skills to help with all four, Varsity Tutors can set you up with the right Charlotte SAT prep course or instructor to assist you as you work on preparing for exam day.

What are the benefits of different types of Charlotte SAT prep?

When you choose Varsity Tutors to assist you with SAT prep, we are proud to be able to offer two different options: private SAT instruction or an online collaborative prep course. Both options are extremely beneficial to students who are preparing to take the SAT but each comes with its own set of benefits and advantages. Let's take a closer look at each option.

If you prefer one on one instruction, you may wish to take advantage of a Charlotte SAT tutor. This gives you the opportunity to receive individualized lessons which focus on your exact needs. You can elect to skip over topics you have already mastered and concentrate on the knowledge and skills you wish to improve. Your instructor can adjust these lessons as you make progress in your desired areas of improvement.

If you prefer a more social and structured environment, a Charlotte SAT prep class may be the right option for you. You'll be able to access your class sessions online and will be able to interact directly with your teacher and classmates. This gives you the opportunity to participate in group discussions and activities. This kind of collaborative environment has been shown to help students obtain a deeper knowledge of the skills they are being taught.

How do I get started with Charlotte SAT prep?

Getting started with excellent SAT prep is very simple and convenient when you reach out to Varsity Tutors. If you're ready to take advantage of the best Charlotte SAT preparation options available, call Varsity Tutors today!

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